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Category: KQL

Arg_Max and Arg_Min in KQL

Robert Cain continues a series on KQL:

A very common need in query languages is the ability to extract the maximum and minimum values in a column of data. The Kusto Query Language provides this capability through two functions, arg_max and arg_min. In this post we’ll take a look at these functions.

Click through to learn more about how these work.

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Working with strcat in KQL

Robert Cain has a post dedicated to the strcat() function in KQL:

The strcat function has been shown in previous articles, but it’s so useful it deserves a post all of its own.

As usual, the samples in this post will be run inside the LogAnalytics demo site found at This demo site has been provided by Microsoft and can be used to learn the Kusto Query Language at no cost to you.

Read on to (re-)learn the power of string concatenation, in Kusto form.

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Splitting Strings with KQL

Robert Cain splits the baby:

In databases, we often find columns that are stored in a hierarchy structure, not unlike a file path on your drive. For example, in the Microsoft Logs sample database the Perf table stores its counter path this way: \\computername\Memory\Available MBytes.

It would be helpful to have a way to easily break this path out into its individual parts. KQL provides us a way of doing this using the split function.

Check out examples of how you can perform splitting.

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IsNull and IsEmpty in KQL

Robert Cain’s fuel gauge is running on E:

In writing queries, it is not uncommon to get results where a column has missing values. This can cause concerns or questions from your users. “Why is this blank?”, “There must be something wrong with your query its missing data!”.

To avoid this, Kusto provides two functions to check for missing values: isnull and isempty. You can combine this with the iif function (covered in the Fun With KQL – IIF post) to provide clarifying text to the end user.

Check out the examples of how to use these two functions in Robert’s post.

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Azure Data Explorer Query Performance

Devang Shah and Surya Teja Josyula do some analysis:

The below screenshot shows the results of a load test conducted on ADX using Grafana k6. This load test included 10 different queries that were concurrently sent to ADX for a duration of 3 mins generating a total request volume of 2144 requests, nearly 12 requests per second. P95 response time from ADX was 2.38 seconds which was well within the desired performance measure of the customer.

Read on to learn more.

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Case Operations in KQL

Robert Cain needs more than two paths for branching logic:

In my previous post Fun With KQL – IIF, we saw how to use the Kusto iif function to check for a condition then perform an action based on the result of a condition.

What if you had multiple conditions you need to check? While you could string multiple iif functions together there’s better solution: the KQL case function.

Robert includes several examples, as well as a check of whether KQL does short circuiting or not.

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Robert Cain didn’t stutter:

Pretty much every query language, indeed any coding language, has a form of an if statement. An if statement evaluates a condition for true or false, then takes an action based on that result.

In KQL, this is manifested using the iif function. In this post we’ll see two examples of how an iif can be used in your Kusto queries.

Check it out, iif you dare.

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Format_TimeSpan in KQL

Robert Cain continues a series on KQL:

If you refer back to my post Fun With KQL – DateTime Arithmetic, you may recall that when you perform any math with datetime data types, such as subtracting one date from another to get the amount of elapsed time, the resulting data type is a timespan.

In this post, we’ll see how to format timespan data types using the format_timespan function.

As always, Robert teaches by example here so go ahead and check that out.

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Azure Data Explorer September 2022 Updates

Shaf Mahmood has a few updates for us:

The  optimized autoscale feature has been in place and using reactive logic. It has been helping ADX users by adjusting the cluster size when there is an increase in resources due to ingestion or query load.  The optimized autoscale feature has been further improved with predictive logic. This logic monitors the same metrics as the reactive logic and over time builds up the cluster usage pattern and uses this to forecast and plan the size of the cluster.  The reactive logic is still used to ensure any forecast anomalies or usage pattern changes are still autoscaled appropriately.

There are a few cost-related updates but also updates to visuals, data ingestion, and more.

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