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Category: KQL

Using KQL to Extract JSON Data in Power BI

Dany Hoter shreds some JSON:

In Kusto (aka Azure Data Explorer aka ADX) you can have columns in a table that contain JSON structures.

In KQL it is very easy to extract elements from these columns and use them as regular columns.

It requires more resources but overall, it is standard.

An example can be found in the table TransformedMetrics in the SampleMetrics databases in the help cluster.

Click through for that process.

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Deleting Individual Records from Azure Data Explorer

Slavik Neimer shows how to delete records from a table in Azure Data Explorer:

Azure Data Explorer is a big data analytics platform that takes care of everything required to ensure real time decision making can take place, or at least, near real time. This includes data ingestion, data querying, data visualization and data management.

In this blog post you’ll learn how to delete individual records from a table, and how it works behind the scenes.

Of particular note is the whatif=true clause, as it’d be nice to see what you burn before you burn it.

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Drawing a Christmas Tree with KQL

Guy Reginiano has a task:

KQL isn’t just super-powerful, it’s also fun!
See how you can draw a tree using KQL and learn some of the functions and operators available.
Inspired by Feel free to design and share your own trees!

I kind of want to make this a Hello World type of exercise, ranking languages by their Christmas Tree Generation Capability Score, or CTGC. Maybe I’ll shorten it to TGC to make it a TLA.

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