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Category: Internals

The Merge Interval Operator

Hugo Kornelis looks at another execution plan operator:

The Merge Interval operator reads dynamic seek range specifications, checks to see if their specified ranges overlap, and if so combines the overlapping ranges into one new range.

One typical use case is for a query that uses multiple BETWEEN specifications, connected with OR. When these ranges overlap, they must be combined into a single range. This saves performance, but more important is that it prevents rows that satisfy both range specifications from being returned multiple times. When the boundaries of the BETWEEN are given as constants, the optimizer analyzes for overlaps and combines ranges if needed when compiling the query. But when the boundaries of the BETWEEN specifications are only known at run-time (variables, column references), the Merge Interval operator is used for this task.

Click through to see how it works.

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Execution Plans: Foreign Keys and Deletion

Hugo Kornelis continues a series on execution plans:

In the previous part, we looked at foreign key checking when data is inserted. Inserts in the referencing (child) table can, by definition, not cause foreign key violations, so no checking is done in those cases. But for inserts in the referenced (parent) table, SQL Server needs to check that the inserted value does indeed exist. We saw how both the Nested Loops and the Merge Join operators have some specific optimizations to do that check as efficient as possible; we also saw how the Assert operator does the actual checking.

When deleting data, the reverse is true. We can delete rows from the child table without verification, but deletes from the parent table are subject to a check.

And those deletes can get crazy expensive.

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Scalar Functions Not Allowed in T-SQL

Hugo Kornelis has a list for us:

But the optimizer also has a set of scalar functions available that are not allowed within T-SQL code, but that it can use in properties of some operators. The table below lists all these functions, with a description of their input parameters and their result.

You can’t use these directly, but they are useful nonetheless.

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How Foreign Keys Appear in Execution Plans

Hugo Kornelis shows us how foreign key contraints modify certain execution plans:

The top left of this execution plan looks very unsurprising. A Clustered Index Scan to read all rows from the #Products temporary table, and those rows are then passed to a Clustered Index Insert operator for insertion into our permanent table dbo.Products. But wait? Why is there no table or index name listed below the operator name? That’s actually because the operator has not one but three items in its Object property. When a Clustered Index Insert targets just a single index, SSMS can work out the name and show it. But when Clustered Index Insert targets multiple objects, SSMS plays it safe and displays none.

Read on to learn more.

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The Filter Operator

Hugo Cornelis continues a dive into execution plan operators:

The Filter operator is used to remove rows from a result set that do not satisfy a specified condition.

Its most common usage is to implement a WHERE clause, although many elements of a WHERE clause get implemented in other ways (e.g. by pushing them down into an Index Seek or Index Scan operator), and Filter operators can also be used when the optimizer transforms other query elements into any type of filtering.

The Filter operator can only verify conditions based on the data in the current row; if data from different rows needs to be compared for the filter, the optimizer generates an execution plan that first adds the data to be compared to the row, or it uses different operators.

Click through for Hugo’s normal in-depth look.

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The Sequence Project Operator

Hugo Kornelis continues on a quest:

The Sequence Project operator computes values for the “ranking functions”:  functions where the results depend on other rows in the result set, such as ROW_NUMBERRANKDENSE_RANK, and NTILE.

A Sequence Project can be considered as somewhat similar in function as Compute Scalar: both operators add new columns to the data based on expression. But Compute Scalar works on expressions other columns from the same row and constant values as input. Sequence Project computes expressions that are based on preceding rows in the data stream as their input.

Read on to learn more about what this operator does and how it works.

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Resolving Call Stack Symbols on SQL Server 2019

Paul Randal takes us through a change to SQL Server 2019:

After beating my head against the proverbial wall for an hour, I wondered if I had the wrong symbols somehow. I checked with the excellent SQLCallStackResolver tool from GitHub (authored by Arvind Shyamsundar from the Product Group) and that worked fine with the symbols I had, so it had to be something within SQL Server.

Read on to see the answer.

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Diving Into the Window Spool Operator

Hugo Kornelis continues a series on execution plan operators:

The Window Spool operator is one of the four spool operators that SQL Server supports. Like other spool operators, it retains a copy of data it receives and can then return those rows as often as needed. The specific functionality of the Window Spool operator allows it to replay rows within a window, as defined in a ROWS or RANGE specification of an OVER clause.

Read on to see how these work, as well as a few differences from their spool brethren.

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Making Use of Sort Rewinds: Closest Match

Paul White follows up on an article:

In When Do SQL Server Sorts Rewind? I described how most sorts can only rewind when they contain at most one row. The exception is in-memory sorts, which can rewind at most 500 rows and 16KB of data.

These are certainly tight restrictions, but we can still make use of them on occasion.

To illustrate, I am going reuse a demo Itzik Ben-Gan provided in part one of his Closest Match series, specifically solution 2 (modified value range and indexing).

Click through for the explanation.

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