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Category: Integration Services

SSIS Framework File Community Edition

Andy Leonard has an announcement:

The very first data integration / data engineering framework I ever wrote was for Data Transformation Services, or DTS. The DTS framework had one job: manage connections. I don’t recall all the details, but I remember DTS included a task that allowed packages to retrieve settings from INI files. INI files are key-value files, so I simply added entries with identical keys and different values – values that matched connection strings for each lifecycle tier – and placed each version of the INI file in the same location on every server in the lifecycle.

The next framework I wrote was for SSIS. I stored metadata in tables – including connections metadata – and created a concept I called an SSIS Application. An SSIS application is, according to my definition, a “collection of SSIS packages that execute in a pre-determined order.”

The SSIS Framework File Community Edition is very similar to this first framework, except for the connections management.

Click through to learn more about the SSIS Framework File Community Edition and check it out.

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Flexible File Components with SSIS

Bill Fellows hides SSIS DNA in a can of Barbasol shave cream:

The Azure Feature Pack for SSIS is something I had not worked with before today. I have a client that wants to use the Flexible File Task/Flexible File Source/Flexible File Destination but they were having issues. The Flexible File tools allow you to work with Azure Blob storage. We were dealing with ADLS Gen2 but the feature pack can work with classic blob storage as well. In my hubris, I said no problem, know SSIS. Dear reader, I did not know as much as I thought I did…

Click through for a whopper of a story. But be sure to read to the very end, as you don’t want to stop at using TLS 1.0.

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Extracting SQL Queries from SSIS Packages

Bill Fellows works from an…interesting…SSIS package:

Our job was to rewrite this into something more manageable and it appears Azure Data Factory will be the winner. Before we can do that, we need to document what the existing package is doing (the vendor has supplied the incremental load logic) so we can replicate it but in a more economical form. It appears to have the pattern (squint really hard at the picture) Execute SQL Task -> Execute SQL Task -> Sequence container => many data flows -> Data Flow -> Execute SQL Task. The Data Flow Task is named after the table being loaded. An ODBC source with a expression based query, named “ODBC Source 1” wired to an OLE DB Destination, named “OLE DB Destination”. How would you do it, especially given that there are 236 Data Flow Tasks embedded in a single container?

Click through for the answer.

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Explaining SSISDB

Andy Mallon explains why SSISDB exists:

Back in my day, we stored SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages in msdb, or the file system. Well, I’m neither dead nor retired, so that’s not an accurate statement–today is still “my time.” But when I was learning about SQL Server, those were the only two options. If you or your environment predate SQL Server 2012, then you might only be familiar with those two options.

In SQL Server 2012, Microsoft introduced the SSISDB. Since SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is its own service, it deserves its own database. In a service-oriented world, it is discouraged to put data for one service (the database engine) in the same database as another service (integration services).

Click through to see where it comes from and when you might need it.

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High-Performance ETL via Buffer Table

Daniel Hutmacher needs things to zoom:

It’s almost like a myth – one that I’ve heard people talk about, but never actually seen myself. The “shock absorber” is a pretty clever data flow design pattern to ingest data where a regular ETL process would choke on the throughput or spikes. The idea is to use a buffer table to capture incoming data, and then run an asynchronous process that loads that data in batches from the buffer into its intended target table.

While I’ve seen whitepapers and blog posts mention the concept loosely along with claims of “7x or 10x performance”, none of them go into technical detail on how it’s done, so I decided to try my hand at it.

I’ve compiled my findings, along with some pre-baked framework code if you want to try building something yourself. Professional driver on closed roads. It’s gonna get pretty technical.

Combine that with Eitan Blumin’s post yesterday and you’d think it were buffer week.

This shock absorber pattern works well for warehouse loading, especially when you’re trickle-loading data into columnstore indexes and don’t want to have open rowgroups slowing everything down.

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Hadi Fadlallah discusses what was the bane of my existence for about 3 months in 2010:

In this article, we will briefly explain the VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA SSIS exception, one of the most popular exceptions that an ETL developer may face while using SSIS. Then, we will run an experiment that reproduces this error. Then, we will show how we can fix it.

This was really annoying prior to SQL Server 2008 (at least, that’s my early-morning recollection of when the SSIS engine started trying to auto-fix this) and has been mildly annoying since. I had far too many conversations which I could summarize as “Yes, I understand that this Excel spreadsheet is basically the same, but it’s different in that the casing on one header column has changed slightly and that breaks the entire system.

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Alex Stuart hits a weird error:

Conversion/overflow errors aren’t that unusual – normally a data flow broken by some unexpected data (“no, there’s no chance that field would ever have a character in it”), or perhaps a column hitting max size (“INT will be enough for years, like, 5 years. I’ll have left the company by then”)

But that wasn’t the case here – the package and user tables involved were checked by the dev team and there was no possible overflow. I’d checked system databases for maxed-out identity columns and found nothing. Heads were scratched.

Read on for the post-head-scratch answer.

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SSIS Framework Manager Community Edition

Andy Leonard has a new product announcement:

I’m excited to announce SSIS Framework Manager CE (Community Edition) is available for download at DILM Suite! SSIS Framework Manager CE is designed to support SSIS Framework Community Edition, providing a GUI to facilitate SSIS Framework Application creation, configuration, and management.

Three views are supported in this initial edition: Catalog, Application, and Package. The Catalog view incorporates the same Catalog treeview used in SSIS Catalog Browser (also free) and SSIS Catalog Compare (not free):

Click through to see what’s included.

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