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Category: Integration Services

SSIS TargetServerVersion Versus ProjectVersion

Andy Leonard explains the differences between the TargetServerVersion and ProjectVersion properties in SQL Server Integration Services:

Since I am still adjusting to the 9.5 hour time zone shift, I decided to poke around social media. My friend and brother from another mother, TJay Belt, had tagged me in a tweet. TJay was looking for answers about updating an SSIS 2014 project in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for Visual Studio 2017.

TJay and I started this conversation a couple days ago when he mentioned a team member installed Visual Studio 2017 and experienced difficulties getting SSIS 2012 packages to execute in the debugger.

I don’t think I blogged about it, but I had some interesting experiences upgrading to Visual Studio 2017 and SQL Server Data Tools for VS 2017. The sum of my experience was: uninstall everything, then install Visual Studio, then install SSDT.

Read on for the answer.

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Building OData Sources In Biml

Cathrine Wilhelmsen gives us a workaround for no native OData support in Biml:

As of July 2018, there is no built-in Biml support for OData. To work with OData in Biml, you have to create a custom source and connection manager. This requires more Biml code than built-in functions like OleDbSource and may look a little overwhelming at first. But don’t worry! You don’t have to start from scratch.

In this blog post, we will first look at the properties of the OData Connection Manager and how to script it in Biml. Then, we will do the same for the OData Source. Finally, we will tie it all together and create a complete SSIS package that you can use a starting point for your own projects.

There’s a quick and easy solution but definitely read the whole thing to catch any oddities which might arise from reverse engineering your SSIS packages.

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Using Azure Data Lake Analytics With Integration Services

Yanan Cai announces that Azure Data Lake Analytics has a new task in the Azure Feature Pack for SQL Server Integration Services:

With ADLA Task in Azure Feature Pack, you can now orchestrate and create U-SQL jobs as a part of the SSIS workflow to process big data in the cloud. As ADLA is a serverless analytics service, you don’t need to worry about cluster creation and initialization, all you need is an ADLA account to start your analytics.

You can get the U-SQL script from different places by using SSIS built-in functions. You can:

  • Edit the inline U-SQL script in ADLA Task to call table valued functions and stored procedures in your U-SQL databases.

  • Use the U-SQL files stored in ADLS or Azure Blob Storage by leveraging Azure Data Lake Store File System Task and Azure Blob Download Task.

  • Use the U-SQL files from local file directly using SSIS File Connection Manager.

  • Use an SSIS variable that contains the U-SQL statements. You can also use SSIS expression to generate the U-SQL statements dynamically.

Read on for more information and a link to download the pack.

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SSIS: Target Server Version Leads To Script Task “Corruption”

Slava Murygin walks us through an ugly-looking error with an easy fix:

There are probably a lot of SSIS corruption errors, but that is one that is very easy to solve.
The whole error message is texted like this:

Script Task:Error: The Script Task is corrupted.
Script Task:Error: There were errors during task validation.
Script Task:Error: There was an exception while loading Script Task from XML: System.Exception: The Script Task “ST_74aca886806a416fa34ae89cac6237c2” uses version 15.0 script that is not supported in this release of Integration Services. To run the package, use the Script Task to create a new VSTA script. In most cases, scripts are converted automatically to use a supported version, when you open a SQL Server Integration Services package in %SQL_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME% Integration Services. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.ScriptTask.LoadFromXML(XmlElement elemProj, IDTSInfoEvents events)

That error came from an execution of SSIS package and it points that particular Script task is corrupted.
It is very confusing, because if you try to run the same package in the Visual Studio everything will be fine:

I’d consider the initial error that “The Script Task is corrupted.” to be a bad error message.  The longer description is helpful and explains the problem, but the word “corruption” has a certain scary connotation to DBAs and tossing it around when you really mean to say “Fix your target version” is unhelpful.

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Package References And ssisUnit

Bartosz Ratajczyk shows us a few methods for setting package references in ssisUnit:

When you set the packages’ references in the ssisUnit tests you have four options for the source (StoragePath) of the package:

  • Filesystem – references the package in the filesystem – either within a project or standalone
  • MSDB – package stored in the msdb database
  • Package store – packages managed by Integration Services Service
  • SsisCatalog – references the package in the Integration Services Catalog

In this post, I will show you how to set the package reference (PackageRef) for each option.

Read on for an example of using each method.

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Executing SSIS From Azure Data Factory

Andy Leonard shows us how to execute an SSIS package from Azure Data Factory:

The good people who work on Azure Data Factory recently added an Execute SSIS Package activity. It’s pretty cool. Let’s tinker with it some, shall we?

First, you will need to create an Azure Data Factory SSIS Integration Runtime. If you don’t know how, that’s ok – I’ve written a post titled Lift and Shift SSIS Part 0: Creating the ADF Integration Runtime that describes one way to set up ADFIR.

Read on for an example.

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Running ssisUnit In MSTest

Bartosz Ratajczyk shows how to convert ssisUnit tests to work with the NUnit or MSTest frameworks:

MSTest v2 is the open source test framework by Microsoft. I will not write a lot about it. If you want to learn more – read the excellent blog posts by Gérald Barré.

I took the idea and parts of the code from Ravi Palihena’s blog post about ssisUnit testing and his GitHub repository. Then I read the source code of the SsisUnitTestRunnerSsisUnitTestRunnerUI and posts by Gérald and changed the tests a bit.

I will use MSTest to execute ssisUnit tests from the file 20_DataFlow.ssisUnit. For that, I created a new Visual C# > Test > Unit Test Project (.NET Framework) – ssisUnitLearning.MSTest – within the solution. I also set the reference to the SsisUnit2017.dll and SsisUnitBase.dll libraries and loaded required namespaces

Bartosz gives us the initial walkthrough, and then builds a T4 template to automate the task.  You can grab that template on his GitHub repo, and hopefully something makes its way into ssisUnit to make integration with NUnit / MSTest official.

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JSON Output And SSIS

Stacia Varga works around an oddity in the way SSIS reads JSON outputs:

What happened? The T-SQL produces the correct results in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). However, in SSIS, the same T-SQL statement in an OLE DB Source in a Data Flow Task produces two rows of data which adds a line feed into the flat file and renders the JSON unusable.

The problem is visible even before sending output to the flat file.

Click the link to see how Stacia solves this problem.

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Cached Datasets And ssisUnit

Bartosz Ratajczyk shows how to store result sets in a test file with ssisUnit:

The ssisUnit GUI does not support creating the persisted dataset. If you switch the IsResultsStored flag to true on the dataset’s properties, it gives a warning “The expected dataset’s (<the dataset name>) stored results does not contain data. Populate the Results data table before executing.” during the test run.

To find out more about it, take a look at the source code.

This is a nice explanation of a current limitation in the tool and a workaround.

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