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Category: Indexing

Tips on using Included Columns on Indexes

Chad Callihan shares some advice:

In my previous blog post, we saw how using INCLUDE to add a column to an index can make a difference compared to a key column. Let’s do a quick overview of INCLUDE and when it should be used.

Included columns are columns that can added to an index as non-key columns. They are only added to the leaf nodes of an index and have a bit more flexibility. Having trouble adding a particular data type to an index? Included columns can be data types unable to be added as key columns. Are you possibly maxed out on index key columns? Use INCLUDE to add any necessary columns.

Read on for an example and note the warning that you shouldn’t just add all of the columns to the INCLUDE clause.

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Unique Constraints vs Unique Indexes

Erik Darling calls out unique key constraints:

I do love appropriately applied uniqueness. It can be helpful not just for keeping bad data out, but also help the optimizer reason about how many rows might qualify when you join or filter on that data.

The thing is, I disagree a little bit with how most people set them up, which is by creating a unique constraint.

Data modeling Kevin wants to use unique key constraints because that’s the correct thing to do. Implementation Kevin uses unique nonclustered indexes for the reasons Erik describes. Not mentioned in Erik’s post but potentially relevant is that operations on unique nonclustered indexes can be done online, whereas unique key constraint operations (creation and alteration via drop+create) are offline.

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Thinking Twice about Single-Column Indexes

Erik Darling wants you to perform a sanity check:

There are times when a single key column index can be useful, like for a unique constraint.

But for the most part, outside of the occasional super-critical query that needs to be tuned, single key column indexes either get used in super-confusing ways, or don’t get used at all and just sit around hurting your buffer pool and transaction log, and increasing the likelihood of lock escalation.

Read on for Erik’s full point. Sometimes that single-column non-clustered index really does do the trick—as in a unique key constraint, or a single column used in a really commonly-used EXISTS clause—but it’s worth thinking about whether that one column is really all there is.

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Indexed Views and SARGability

Erik Darling shows how you can create indexed views to make life easier when tuning queries:

There are some things that, in the course of normal query writing, just can’t be SARGablized. For example, generating and filtering on a windowing function, a having clause, or any other runtime expression listed here.

There are some interesting ways to use indexed views to our advantage for some of those things. While windowing functions and having clauses can’t be directly in an indexed view, we can give an indexed view a good definition to support them.

It won’t always work, but it is an option to keep in mind.

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Using Index Column Order and Dynamic SQL to Fix Non-SARGable Queries

Erik Darling wraps up season 1 of Saving Sarge with a cliffhanger. First up, how setting up indexes to lead with SARGable columns makes sense:

Quite a bit, I find myself working with people who are able to change indexes, but unable to change queries.

Even making small, sane changes would nix their support, should they ask for it. I do sometimes have to laugh at the situation: if support were that great, they wouldn’t need me, and if we made the change, they probably wouldn’t need support.

Oh well, though. Keep me employed, ISVs.

Then, Erik takes a look at using dynamic SQL to solve one class of non-SARGable predicates:

The non-SARGABLE pattern that dynamic SQL helps you deal with is the the catch all query pattern, which can look like:

– col = @parameter or @parameter is null
– col = isnull(@parameter, col)
– col = coalesce(@parameter, col)

Or any similar variation of null/not null checking of a parameter (or variable) in the where/join clause at runtime.

Dynamic SQL allows you to build up the specific where clause that you need for the non-NULL set of search filters.

Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode of Saving Sarge. Same SARG-time, same SARG-channel.

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Filtered Indexes in SQL Server

Esat Erkec takes us through a frustratingly near-useful feature in SQL Server:

Indexes are the special data structures that help to improve the performance of the queries in SQL Server. Against this great benefit of the indexes, they occupy space on hard drives and can slow down the data modification operations (update, insert, delete) performance. When any query modifies the data in a table the database engine needs to update all of the related indexes where data has changed. In certain instances, to minimize these disadvantages of indexes, using SQL Server filtered indexes might be the appropriate approach. Assume that, we frequently query a small subset of a table with the same conditions and the rest of the table contains too many rows. In this scenario, we can use a SQL Server filtered index to access this small data set faster so that we can reduce storage and index maintenance costs.

When you can get them to work, such as when the part of your query which is supposed to access that index is not parameterized, filtered indexes are great. But Esat does get into what happens when that condition doesn’t quite hold.

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Indexes and Sorts

Chad Callihan reminds us that sort order can matter for indexes:

When you’re working on an index for a query ordering by one column in ascending order and another column in descending order, do you have your index created to match? Did you know you can specify ASC or DESC in an index? Let’s go through a scenario where ordering in an index makes a noticeable difference.

This is particularly important for window functions—the optimizer can sometimes be smart enough to recognize that a value is in reverse order and not need to use a sort operator, but as soon as you drop that OVER() clause in, if things aren’t in the exact order they need, you get a sort operator thrown in for free. Or, well, the “your query is now a little bit slower” version of free.

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Estimating Nonclustered Index Sizes with Powershell

Alex Stuart performs some calculations:

I recently encountered a requirement to estimate the size of (a lot of) nonclustered indexes on some very large tables due to not having a test box to create them on or the time to build one. I couldn’t find a script to do this, and as any programmer knows, laziness is the real mother of invention, so I wrote one.
This post summarises how we can calculate this and provides a Powershell function to do so.

I used Microsoft’s documentation as a basis on how to do it, but as it’s a wall of text that’s a little tricky to follow, I’ll go over the basics here. I’m only covering the leaf levels and non-MAX columns that would create LOB pages – I’ll explain why later.

Click through for the article and to see how Alex’s calculations play out.

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Nonclustered Index Leaf Records and Null Bitmaps

Alex Stuart lays out a finding:

While testing a script that involved calculating index record size recently I was getting some confusing results depending on server version, and after some digging it appears there was a somewhat undocumented change to nonclustered index leaf page structure in SQL Server 2012.

Prior to 2012, as dicussed by Paul Randal in this 2010 blog post (which is still the top result for searching for ‘nonclustered index null bitmap’, hence this post) the null bitmap – that is, a >= 3 byte structure representing null fields in a record – was essentially present in all data pages but not the leaf pages of a nonclustered index that had no nulls in either the index key or any clustering key columns.

Read on for a demonstration using SQL Server 2008 R2 as well as SQL Server 2012.

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The Downside Risk of Index Hints

Chad Callihan explains why you should be careful before deploying code which uses index hints:

This might be good enough…for now. The potential issues with index hints can be more about the future than the present. You might come along later on and think “why not use an index to cover the whole query?” We can add the index:

But if our query is still written to include the index hint (in a stored procedure for example) the new index is not going to matter. The old index is still forced to be used. Even if something better comes along, you’re going to need to modify the query in addition to adding the better index. If an index was added for a completely separate query but would also be an improvement for the query in question, it’s also not going to get by the index hint.

Click through for additional problems which can crop up as you use index hints. This isn’t a big argument against using them at all, but rather understanding (and remembering!) where you do use them and making sure that’s communicated well to the entire team, including future you.

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