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Category: Error Handling

Dangling Images with Oracle 23ai Free Edition

Kellyn Gorman runs into an issue:

When I tried to connect via SQLPlus as SYSDBA, I received an EXTPROC error. It pointed clearly to the listener.ora file, which I discovered a path listed still to ora23c for the extproc, corrected it, started the Listener, but to no avail- an ORA-12547 error, realizing I had a make file issue on the binaries for Oracle.

I contacted Geral Venzl, who was very gracious and after some quick research, he came back that his folks said everything was fine with the images, so I thanked him and dug into the issue deeper.  I quickly discovered this problem could happen to others, so decided I better document here for anyone who does happen upon it.

Click through for the high-level explanation and a bit more detail on dangling images.

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Missing Log Information after a VM Rollback

Jonathan Kehayias (via Paul Randal) advises caution:

Recently I received an email with a very vague description of a problem that went something along the lines of:

“After some issues with Windows patching and rolling back from snapshots, our cluster resources won’t come online. In the process of troubleshooting the issue and validating the fix, we rolled back a few times. We can’t find any details about the issue in the cluster logs, Windows event logs, or SQL Server error log to investigate further.”

Read on for more information about the immediate problem, the root cause, and the actual issue the customer ran into before compounding the problem.

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Max Offline Semantic Model Size Error

Chris Webb continues a series on Power BI semantic model memory errors:

In the Power BI Service, Import mode models are stored offline and paged into memory only when they are needed – for example because someone runs a report that uses the model as its source. As discussed in my last post, though, there’s a limit on the amount of memory that a model can use which varies by the size and type of capacity you’re using using. There’s also an extra complication in that Import mode models are stored offline in a compressed format that means the Power BI Service doesn’t know exactly how much memory will be needed if the entire model needs to be held in memory. As a result there is an additional limit enforced on the size of the offline copy of Import mode models to ensure they don’t use too much memory when they are eventually paged in.

Read on to learn more about this setting and what it looks like if you trigger the error.

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Issues around Power Apps in Source Control

Deborah Melkin continues a series on Power Apps:

As a developer, I have two things I have to do: 1. Check code into source control and 2. Make sure I can use that code to deploy to any and all environments repeatably and successfully. The question then becomes, how do you do this when the development environment is in a portal?

Read on for the answer, as well as a tricky situation you might run into along the way.

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sqlcmd and Self-Signed Certificates

Vlad Drumea is a trusting fellow:

This post covers a few ways to fix the SSL certificate error 1416F086 returned by sqlcmd on Linux when connecting to SQL Server.

If you’re looking for ways to fix the Windows equivalent of this error when using dbatools, check out this blog post.

It’s interesting how much controversy we’re seeing around tools like sqlcmd and (especially) SQL Server Management Studio defaulting to mandatory encryption. Having signed and valid certificates is a critical part of validating that this SQL Server is actually the one you think it is, and no intermediary attacker has swapped the certificate out with a phony one that allows the attacker to spy on your interactions.

I can understand people who are just messing around with SQL Server locally to experience pain on this, but the sheer number of actual companies—including companies using Central Management Servers, which implies having multiple SQL Server instances—with garbage-tier self-signed certificates is discouragingly high.

By the way, I’m aiming none of my rant at Vlad or this post. It’s just top-of-mind and this was as good a vehicle for rant delivery as I could find.

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Tips for Configuring Alerts for Azure Data Factory

Teo Lachev shares some advice:

Alerting is an important monitoring task for any ETL process. Azure Data Factory can integrate with a generic Azure event framework (Azure Monitor) which makes it somewhat unintuitive for ETL monitoring. You can set up and change the alerts using the ADF Monitoring hub.

Read on for five pieces of advice, in particular, covering how to set up one of these alerts.

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Deploying SSIS Components using Custom Components

Andy Brownsword forgets something at home:

Within SSIS you can make use of custom components which aren’t present out of the box. An example of some would be the Azure Feature Pack if you’re working with cloud resources.

These will let us use features not available natively. They can also provide a challenge down the line when we come to deploy changes to the project.

Here we’ll look at an example of this challenge, how to troubleshoot, and ultimately resolve the issue.

Read on for the scenario and fix.

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