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Category: Error Handling

Capturing Query Errors with Extended Events

Jack Vamvas shows how to capture query errors using Extended Events:

If you’re troubleshooting SQL Server query errors , you’ll already know Extended Events are highly useful and very effective method to capture SQL Server errors.

To use the script you’ll need appropriate privileges to create the Extended Event. You will also need to have some space available on the disk to store output files.

If you want something a little less permanent, you can use the ring buffer target. I put together something like this a long time ago and enjoyed IM-ing coworkers and saying “You forgot the join criteria” with no other context. Freaked them out the first couple of times…

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Hive: Shuffle Failed with Too Many Fetch Failures

Dmitry Tolpeko takes us through an ugly error:

On one of the clusters I noticed an increased rate of shuffle errors, and the restart of a job did not help, it still failed with the same error.

The error was as follows:

Error: Error while running task ( failure ) : org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.orderedgrouped.Shuffle$ShuffleError: error in shuffle in Fetcher at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.orderedgrouped.Shuffle$RunShuffleCallable.callInternal (

Caused by: Shuffle failed with too many fetch failures and insufficient progress!failureCounts=1, pendingInputs=1, fetcherHealthy=false, reducerProgressedEnough=true, reducerStalled=true

Click through to understand what this error means and what you can do about it.

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Receiving Notifications when Azure Function Apps Fail

Gilbert Quevauvilliers shares how to receive notification e-mails when an Azure Function App fails:

Below are the steps to enable error notifications on Azure Function Apps

Follows on from my previous blog post How you can store All your Power BI Audit Logs easily and indefinitely in Azure, where every day it extracts the Audit logs into Azure Blob storage. One of the key things when working with any job that runs, is that I want to know when the job fails. If I do not have this and I assume that the data is always where, I could fall into a situation where there is missing data that I cannot get back.

Below explains how to create an alert with a notification email if an Azure Function App fails.

Read on for the step-by-step instructions.

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Handling Azure SQL Database Scale Changes

Arun Sirpal shows us how to handle scaling events in Azure SQL Database:

For some reason I have friends / colleagues telling me that when scaling (up and down for this example) that no downtime occurs. Well, not only does Microsoft documentation say differently, I will show it. So let’s test it out. Before the practical test, this is the official stance. “There is a switch over period where connectivity is lost to the database for a short amount of time, which can be mitigated using retry logic”.

Retry logic is an important part of any application. We tend to forget about it with on-prem applications talking to on-prem databases, but that’s a mistake.

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Power BI: Visual has Exceeded the Available Resources

Chris Webb explains why you might see an error in Power BI:

This visual has exceeded the available resources. Try filtering to decrease the amount of data displayed.Please try again later or contact support. If you contact support, please provide these details.More details Resource Governing: The query exceeded the maximum memory allowed for queries executed in the current workload group (Requested 1048580KB, Limit 1048576KB).

The official Power BI documentation has similar advice to what’s shown in this dialog about what to do here, but what’s really going on?

The information in the “More details” section of the section dialog gives you a clue: in this case it’s resource governance. When you run a DAX query in Power BI it will always use a certain amount of memory; inefficient DAX calculations can cause a query to try to grab a lot of memory. In Power BI Desktop these queries may run successfully but be slow, but the Power BI Service can’t just let a query use as many resources as it wants (if it did, it may affect the performance of other queries being run by other users) so there is a resource governor that will kill queries that are too resource hungry. In the case of the visual above the query behind it tried to use more than 1GB of memory and was killed by the resource governor.

Read on to understand where these limits are and how you can modify them.

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Failed to Open Loopback Connection

Steve Stedman diagnoses an error:

Recently while working on a SQL Server for a client I came across the following error when I attempted to view the SQL Server logs in SSMS.

From there I decided I needed to track this down, so I attempted to run the sp_readerrorlog stored procedure, which also failed, but it provided more informaiton.

The full error message was:

Msg 22004, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

Failed to open loopback connection. Please see event log for more information.

Msg 22004, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

Error log location not found.

There are several potential solutions, and the one Steve landed on definitely was not my first thought.

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Short Substrings and Computed Columns

Erik Darling gives us a story about computed columns that turns out not to be about computed columns at all (having thereby subverted our expectations):

The problem is that when I tried to index it:

    ON dbo.Users(DisplayNameComputed);

I got this error:

Msg 537, Level 16, State 3, Line 21
Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.

And when I tried to select data from the table, the same error.

Click through to find the real query killer.

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Diagnosing PolyBase Errors

Niels Berglund takes us through an odd “incorrect syntax” error with PolyBase:

What we see in Figure 1incorrect syntax exception, is strange, as I have executed the same code in a SQL Server 2019 Big Data Cluster, (BDC), without any issues, and the forum poster executed the same in SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Edition also without any issues.

Ok, but what about creating an external table against a relational data source – where we do not need to define an external file format?

There is a straightforward answer as to why the specific error message pops up, but I agree with Niels that it’d be nice to have “here’s the problem and here’s the solution” types of error messages. The deeper you get into the product—especially the older Hadoop external data source—the worse the error messages get.

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Making an Executable JAR from sbt

Sakshi Gawande walks us through two problems you might hit when building Scala projects into JARs:

Now, before going to see the solution we first understand why this problem occurs. When you uses Simple Build Tool Command ‘sbt package’, it creates a jar file that includes the class files from your source code and also the content from your src/main/resources folder.

But there are mainly two things which is important to execute jar file, are not included

Read on for these two things.

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