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Category: DevOps

Automating Database Deployments: Why Not?

Grant Fritchey asks a question:

Building out processes and mechanisms for automated code deployments and testing can be quite a lot of work and isn’t easy. Now, try the same thing with data, and the challenges just shot through the roof. Anything from the simple fact that you must maintain the persistence of the data to data size to up time, and you have real problems in front of you.

However, adopting database deployment automation and testing has enormous benefits. Faster, safer, production deployment enhances the protection built around your production systems. Whether we want to use the loaded term of DevOps or not, the benefits of this style of development and deployment are easily documented and measured.

So, why are so few people doing it?

Grant gives some of the outline and lays out one response. I am seeing a lot more automation over time, but one underappreciated facet in this is a lack of trust for automated processes from humans. I think a good percentage of DBAs don’t trust that the automated process will get things correct, especially when dealing with complex chains of dependencies. An automated process may be less likely to make a mistake in a step, but it will also be unable to reason through an ambiguity and could perform an undesirable action in the event of unexpected circumstances. That’s a pretty big risk for DBAs who are concerned about their data. I can see a few other reasons as well, but this is one which I don’t hear often enough in these discussions.

Also, Grant asks people to fill out the State of Database DevOps survey, especially those people who are not automating database deployments.

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Deploying to Azure SQL Database via GitHub Actions

Kevin Chant shows us how to use GitHub Actions to deploy updates to Azure SQL Database:

After my last post I wanted to test deploying to Azure SQL Database using GitHub Actions. To check that it all runs smoothly.

By the end of this post you will have some ideas about how you can deploy Azure SQL Databases using GitHub Actions. Both for a basic test and more complex deployments.

In my last post here I showed you how you can use GitHub Actions to deploy a free monitoring framework called SQLWATCH to on-premises versions of SQL Server. I thought I would test using the same Azure SQL Deploy Action for Azure SQL database deployments.

Click through for the process.

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Database DevOps and Availability Groups

Kendra Little has some considerations for us:

One question which comes up periodically from our Microsoft Data Platform customers is whether there is anything special that they need to do when implementing version control, continuous integration, and automated deployments for a production database which is a member of a SQL Server Availability Group. 

The good news is that deployments are quite straightforward. You’ve most likely already configured a listener for your applications to connect to the Availability Group and automatically find the writeable database. To do a deployment, you simply need to connect to the listener as well.

There are a few other considerations which are helpful to think about when building your approach to database DevOps, however.

Check out the article for the details.

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The DevOps Learning Curve

Grant Fritchey gives us the low-down on learning about DevOps:

If you’re attempting to implement automation in and around your deployments, you’re going to find there is quite a steep learning curve for DevOps and DevOps-style implementations. Since adopting a DevOps-style release cycle does, at least in theory, speed your ability to deliver better code safely, why would it be hard?

Click through for an idea, including tools to use and some first steps.

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Changing Power BI Data Source Credentials

Martin Schoombee walks us through changing data source credentials on deployment with Power BI:

The method we need to use here is the Patch method. Why is it Patch and not Post like we did with the parameters? Great question, and the “devil is in the details”…the method dictates how the underlying resource or attribute is modified, and the Patch method in this case means that there are partial (and in-place) modifications to an existing resource. Read more about the differences between PostPut and Patch here.

This is one of those areas where Power BI can be quite a letdown if you only use the UI.

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MLOPS in R with GitHub Actions

David Smith explains MLOPS and GitHub actions in a talk:

In the talk, I demonstrate the process in action (the demo starts at the 14:30 mark in the video below). I used Visual Studio Code to edit the app.R file in repository, and then pushed the changes to GitHub. That immediately triggered the action to deploy the updated file via SSH to the Shiny Server, running in a remote VM. Similarly, changes to the data file or to the R script files implementing the logistic regression model would trigger the model to be retrained in the cluster, and re-deploy the endpoint to deliver new predictions from the updated model.

Click through for a quick summary, link to the repo, and embedded video of the talk.

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Release Rollback with Helm

Andrew Pruski shows the secret of how Helm lets you roll back releases even when deployments are deleted:

If we rollback with kubectl rollout undo the pods in the newest replicaset are deleted, and pods in an older replicaset are spun back up, rolling back the upgrade.

But there’s a potential problem here. What happens if that old replicaset is deleted?

If that happens, we wouldn’t be able to rollback the upgrade. Well we wouldn’t be able to roll it back with kubectl rollout undo, but what happens if we’re using Helm?

Read on to learn how the whole thing works.

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Retrieving Secrets from Azure DevOps Pipelines

Gavin Campbell shows how you can pull secrets out of an Azure DevOps Pipeline:

For secrets created in the Azure DevOps UI, whether pipeline-scoped or in a variable group, it is not so simple to retrieve the variables after creation. This might be required for a number of reasons, most often troubleshooting. The need to do this is often an indicator that the project should have been using an Azure Key Vault in the first place.

Previously it was necessary to jump through some hoops to access secret variables, but it turns out this is no longer required. It also appears the recommended approach of mapping secrets to environment variables is currently not working for secret variables from variable groups.

I second the notion of using Key Vault for secrets management.

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Deploying ADF via Azure DevOps

Kamil Nowinski has part two on a series about releasing Azure Data Factory code:

Struggling with #ADF deployment? adf_publish branch doesn’t suit your purposes? Don’t have skills with PowerShell? I have good news for you. There is a new tool in the market. It’s a task for Azure DevOps Release Pipeline to deploy whole ADF from code (JSON files) to ADF instance in Azure. Behind the scenes, it runs the PowerShell module which does all job for you.
Sounds unbelievable? But it’s real! Check it out for yourself.

Click through for the video.

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