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Category: DevOps

Scaling Out Continuous Integration

Chris Adkin shows off parallelism in Azure DevOps continuous integration pipelines:

A SQL Server data tools project is checked out of GitHub, built into a DacPac, four containerized SQL Server instances are spun up using clones of the ‘Seed’ docker volume. The DacPac is applied to a database running inside each container, which a tSQLt test is then executed against, finally, at the end very end the tSQLt results are aggregate and published.

This is an interesting approach to the problem of lengthy tests: run them on several separate machines concurrently.

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Local Database Builds with Jenkins

Steve Jones continues a series on continuous integration, containers, and all that is good in life:

The only way to build a database project in SQL Server is with an actual SQL Server. In this case, I don’t have any code that would error on LocalDB, so I’ll just use that. I coudl specify my local SQL Server development database if I had the need.

This is a test build, so I also don’t need any SQL Compare options or other switches.

Getting code into source control and building continuous integration around it has become a lot easier over the past several years. Easy enough that you can work a simple system out in a day or two of experimentation.

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The State of DevOps for Data Platform Professionals

Kendra Little summarizes the Accelerate: State of DevOps Report 2019 with a focus on what this means for data platform professionals:

While there are a ton of valuable insights in the report, in this post I will focus in on the findings which I believe are most relevant to those of us who work “close to a database.” There are three very interesting aspects of the research which hit close to home:

1. Speed and stability are not tradeoffs
2. Heavy change processes negatively impact speed and stability
3. Communities of practice are a common and successful tool to transform culture

Read on for Kendra’s detailed notes.

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Requirements for DevOps Success

Grant Fritchey lays out what you need to succeed at DevOps:

The project managers and others flip. Delivery is slipping. The amount of code being written has changed. Stuff is happening that wasn’t on the schedule. The implementation of DevOps is shut down quickly.

You have to get buy-in from management before you attempt to implement DevOps or it will fail. They have to understand what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and the measurable benefits it will bring.

Click through for some good thoughts, none of which is “use this software.”

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Building an Azure DevOps Pipeline

Grant Fritchey shows off how to build an Azure DevOps pipeline:

I don’t mean for this to be a complete tutorial on setting up Azure DevOps (see the bottom of this post for my all-day, in-person, teaching sessions, where I will). I just want to discuss a set of pipelines I’ve built and why I built them that way as a method for illustrating how you can begin automating your processes in support of a DevOps implementation.

The most important concepts when we get to building and deploying within Azure DevOps are Builds and Releases. Yes, we can get into all the fun of talking about Deployment Groups (sets of servers for simultaneous deployment) and others, however, we have to first get a successful and then define how that build will get deployed/released; Builds and Releases.

Read on for the demonstration.

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A Primer on Jenkins

Shubham Dangare gives us a quick walkthrough of setting up a Jenkins pipeline:

Jenkins Pipeline (or simply “Pipeline”) is a suite of plugins which supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins.

A continuous delivery pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting the software from version control right through to your users and customers.

It provides an extensible set of tools for modeling simple-to-complex delivery pipelines “as code”. The definition of a Pipeline is typically written into a text file (called a Jenkinsfile ) which in turn is checked into a project’s source control repository

Click through for a demo.

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Getting to DevOps

Grant Fritchey takes us through some of the baby steps in getting started with DevOps:

However, easy by comparison doesn’t mean just simply easy. There’s a lot of work involved and making mistakes early in the process has repercussions for every later step.

For example, where do your put your code?

Yeah, yeah, I know. Source control. I mean, where in source control do you put the code? What do you call the project and solution? Is it in git, github, Azure, or somewhere else? Choose wisely because every single step of automation you set up after this will be completely dependent on that first choice. Further, putting in github, or example, has repercussions for how you implement automation in Azure DevOps Pipelines.

But hey, no pressure.

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Combining Machine Learning with DevOps

Rolf Tesmer explains that machine learning and DevOps aren’t oil and water (or maybe they are and we just need to stir harder):

In talking with various development teams, customers and DevOps engineers, a lot of the potential problems of meshing ML development into an enterprise DevOps process can be boiled down to a few different areas this aims to address…

ML stack might be different from rest of the application stack
– Testing accuracy of ML model
– ML code is not always version controlled
– Hard to reproduce models (ie explainability)
– Need to re-write featurizing + scoring code into different languages
– Hard to track breaking changes
– Difficult to monitor models & determine when to retrain

So DevOps helps with this, right? Right?

Well er, some of them yes, but not all.

DevOps is not a panacea but it can solve certain types of problems well.

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Forcing Job Order In Azure DevOps

Chris Taylor shows us how to set up job dependencies in Azure DevOps:

When I first started with VSTS and ultimately Azure DevOps, I went through many failed builds because the order of the jobs in your pipeline don’t run in the order that you’ve built them and how you would logically believe them to run. The image below shows two Build Pipeline jobs but when the build is queued, whether this be manual or via CI, the second job is running before job #1. In this example the build will fail because Job #2 is to deploy a dacpac to a SQL Server on Linux Docker Container (Using Ubuntu Agent Host) but obviously this cannot be done until the dacpac has been created in Job #1 which is running on a VS2017 Agent Host:

Click through to see how it’s done.

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DevOps And Culture

Alex Yates points out a problem in how many people think of DevOps:

There is so much that is wrong with that conversation.

  • We could talk about the bottlenecks and the large amount of work in progress backed up in test – and the ways that could be fixed,

  • We could talk about the infrequent ‘big bang’ release in three months and the manual, error prone heroics that will probably be required to deliver it – and the ways that could be fixed,

  • We could talk about the misguided approach regarding branching strategies or the shared development database – and the ways they could be fixed,

  • We could talk about testing silos and the likelihood of drift and inconsistencies between different environments – and the ways they could be fixed,

  • We could talk about the word “DevOps-ing” – and why it should be burned along with anyone who uses it un-ironically. (And anyone who uses the word “irony” inappropriately or puts their commas at the end of the line.),

But I’m not going to talk about any of those things. I’m not going to talk about any of the things the customer said. I’m not going to talk about any of the technical issues or the possible solutions to those problems.

I’m going to talk about something much, much more important.

Read on to see what is much, much more important:  culture.

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