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Category: Data Types

Int To BigInt

Kendra Little walks through the process of expanding an int column into a bigint:

Sometimes you just can’t take the outage. In that case, you’ve got to proceed with your own wits, and your own code. This is tricky because changes are occurring to the table.

The solution typically looks like this:

  • Set up a way to track changes to the table – either triggers that duplicate off modifications or Change Data Capture (Enterprise Edition)

  • Create the new table with the new data type, set identity_insert on if needed

  • Insert data into the new table. This is typically done in small batches, so that you don’t overwhelm the log or impact performance too much. You may use a snapshot from the point at which you started tracking changes.

  • Start applying changed data to the new table

  • Make sure you’re cleaning up from the changed data you’re catching and not running out of space

  • Write scripts to compare data between the old and new tables to make sure you’re really in sync (possibly use a snapshot or a restored backup to compare a still point in time)

  • Cut over in a quick downtime at some point using renames, schema transfer, etc. If it’s an identity column, don’t forget to fix that up properly.

This method matches what I’ve done in zero downtime situations.

Also see Aaron Bertrand’s article on the same topic:

In part 3 of this series, I showed two workarounds to avoid widening an IDENTITY column – one that simply buys you time, and another that abandons IDENTITY altogether. The former prevents you from having to deal with external dependencies such as foreign keys, but the latter still doesn’t address that issue. In this post, I wanted to detail the approach I would take if I absolutely needed to move to bigint, needed to minimize downtime, and had plenty of time for planning.

Because of all of the potential blockers and the need for minimal disruption, the approach might be seen as a little complex, and it only becomes more so if additional exotic features are being used (say, partitioning, In-Memory OLTP, or replication).

At a very high level, the approach is to create a set of shadow tables, where all the inserts are directed to a new copy of the table (with the larger data type), and the existence of the two sets of tables is as transparent as possible to the application and its users.

Those are two good posts on this topic.

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Aaron Bertrand discusses two Unicode schools of thought:

One of the more common dilemmas schema designers face, and I’m realizing it’s something that I should probably spend more time on in my presentations, is whether to use varchar or nvarchar for columns that will store string data. As part of my #EntryLevel challenge, I thought I’d start by writing a bit about this here.

In general, I come across two schools of thought on this:

  1. Use varchar unless you know you need to support Unicode.

  2. Use nvarchar unless you know you don’t.

My preference is to start with Unicode.  15 years ago, you could easily get away with using ASCII for most US-developed systems, but the likelihood that you will need to store data in multiple, varied languages is significantly higher today.  And having already refactored one application to support Unicode after it became fairly large, I’d rather not do that again…

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Altering Columns In Large Tables

Kenneth Fisher discusses a problem he had with altering a column on a large table:

My first attempt was just a straight ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN. After about an hour I got back a log full error. I then tried a 200 GB log and a 350 GB log. These failed at 3 and 5 hours. While this was going on I checked on #sqlhelp to see if anyone knew any way to minimize the log useage so my command would finish.

The primary suggestions were:

  • Add a new column to the end of the table, populate it in batches, then remove the old column.
  • Create a new table, populate it, index it, drop the old table, re-name the new table.

I will say that I have used suggestion #1 several times, particularly in zero down-time situations.  Once you’re done backfilling the column, you can drop the old one and rename the new one in a single transaction.  Read on for Kenneth’s solution.

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Casting Oracle Number To Numeric

Jon Morisi points out a rounding issue when casting Oracle’s Number data type to SQL Server’s Numeric:

Perhaps the 2014 SQL Server is implicitly converting to float, using the nearest even prior to the explicit cast to Numeric.  However, how the scale (number of decimal digits that will be stored to the right of the decimal point) would be determined in such a scenario is a conundrum.   Either way, although the mapping is defined the same, the behavior demonstrated between the two versions of SQL Server is inconsistent.
Research into ANSI and IEEE both boil down to truncation and/or rounding is implementation defined.

It’s an interesting issue.  Read on for more details.

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sp_help And Column Lengths

Jon Morisi looks at an oddity with the way that sp_help shows column length:

I was working with a contractor today who was having difficulty providing me back details on a table definition.  I was specifically interested in a particular column’s data type and size.  (This was related to an ETL process I was working on, and my desire to avoid any implicit conversions).

The reply I got back was, “the column you’re interested in is an nvarchar(100)”.  After continued digging and troubleshooting, I was eventually able to sort out that it was actually an nvarchar(50).

I put together this TEST table to illustrate where the confusion came from.  Can you spot what’s going on?

There’s an interesting explanation which makes me dislike sp_help just a little bit more.

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Sparse Columns

Slava Murygin discusses sparse columns:

“Sparsing” is the way SQL Server optimizes spacing for NULL values at the cost of overhead for non-NULL values.
In other words, if you expect having in your column more nulls than not nulls you can SPARSE that column to optimize the space.

I’ve seen the situations when a lot of columns in Data Mart tables were almost completely filled with NULLS and I started wondering if “SPARSE” can be a good tool to gain some space.

Read the whole thing.  I am not a fan of sparse columns because they prohibit things like page-level compression.  Be sure to read the restrictions on using sparse columns before you give them a try; on net, I think they’re more trouble than they’re worth except in edge cases like extremely denormalized tables collecting thousands of data points from sensors.

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Max And Min Decimal Values

Robert Davis gives us the formula for the max and min decimal values given a scale and precision:

Unfortunately, the mathematical approach has flaws. First of all, Power(10, 38) exceeds the range of any numerical data type in SQL Server. There is no way to store or work with this value in calculations. Secondly, once you try to raise 10 to a power greater than 30, you start seeing floating point calculations (the values are approximate). For example, select Power(Cast(10 as decimal(38, 0)), 31) — casting as decimal(38, 0) because it exceeds int or bigint — yields 9999999999999999600000000000000. That’s clearly an approximated value and is not going to work for calculations where we’re expecting a precise value. So, that leaves the hacky version I didn’t want to do because I just cannot count on the mathematical approach working. Here is the base query using the hacky calculation

Read on for the hacky version.

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Changing Computed Columns

Steve Jones shows a how to modify a computed column:

I was working with a computed column the other day, and realized I had the wrong definition. In this case, I was performing some large calculation, and the result was larger than an int. However the first part of the formula was an int, which resulted in an implicit conversion to an int.

I needed to change the formula, and then realized that plenty of people might not work with computed columns much, and not realize how you alter a computed column.

You don’t.

In fact, you need to drop the column and add it back. In my case, this was what I did.

Fortunately, this tends to be a pretty quick operation, especially if the computed column is non-persisted.

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Data Types

Grant Fritchey implores you to use the correct data type:

Far too often then, the easy answer, just change the column to varchar. You can trim the time and output in exactly the format needed by the business. Problem solved and it was easy…

Well, until someone inputs “Janry 20, 2009” slightly mangling the spelling and suddenly your report looks all messed up. Or, they ask you to start filtering just the last two weeks, regardless of when the report was run and you now can’t easily dodate math on the column. Even after you get over that problem with a little formatting using CAST (along with ISDATE to try to catch all those other typos that are in the system now)  you notice that the performance is really slow so you go to put an index on the column and now you have an index key that is 50 bytes wide instead of the 3 bytes that the DATE data type would have been, making the index less efficient (not to mention, sorting the data is going to put February ahead of January, more formatting).

Read the whole thing.

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Kenneth Fisher warns against low VARCHAR sizes:

The first thing you’ll notice is that a single space is stored the same way in both columns. With an empty string, on the other hand, we see a difference. Char columns are fixed length. So even though we inserted an empty string into it we get back a single space.

The next major difference is that varchar columns require an extra two bytes of storage. So a varchar(1) column actually uses three bytes not just the one byte that char(1) does.

This is exactly the type of scenario row-level compression improves.

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