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Category: Data Types

Proper Ways to Store Currency Data in SQL Server

Randolph West thinks about ways to store money values in SQL Server:

I completely agree with this statement. Never store values used in financial calculations as floating point values, because a floating point is an approximate representation of a decimal value, stored as binary. In most cases it is inaccurate as soon as you store it. You can read more in this excellent — if a little dry — technical paper.

With that out of the way, we get into an interesting discussion about the correct data type to store currency values.

Randolph states an argument around why DECIMAL(19,4) is fine. And it’s great for most cases, though the one “real” financial system I’ve worked with have money stored as integer types (with SQL Server, that’d be BIGINT) because of precision, especially when working with exchange rates. But for most cases—especially when you’re not building the system of record for financial transactions or accounts—I agree with Randolph that DECIMAL is fine. Dave Wentzel has a great comment explaining even further the reasoning behind integer values for certain monetary columns.

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How SQL Server Stores the Money Data Type

Randolph West wants to talk to us about how we use our MONEY:

While MONEY and DECIMAL(19,4) are functionally the same, they are stored differently on disk, and this is where it gets interesting. Let’s use a random amount of $ 4,513.19. Since it’s small enough to fit in both MONEY and SMALLMONEY, we can do a simple experiment. When we ask SQL Server to store this value in a MONEY data type, it will store it (byte-reversed) as 0x7CA8B00200000000. The SMALLMONEY version of this amount would look almost identical, stored as 0x7CA8B002 (without the leading zeroes). A quick look at this byte-reversed value (0x02B0A87C) in a hex calculator gives us the amount of 45,131,900. After moving the decimal point four places to the left, we get our starting value of 4513.1900.

But read on to see how that compares to other data types.

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XML Storage in SQL Server

Vladimir Klimov walks us through what happens when we save data to an XML data type:

When working on the release of dbForge Transaction Log, among other tasks, our team had to puzzle out how to properly store typed XML data.

To start with, it is worth mentioning that SQL Server does not store XML in the format it was entered. An XML string is parsed, split to tags, and thus is stored in a compressed format. Description elements that the server considers unnecessary are discarded.

It also should be kept in mind that, if the data type of a column is specified as simple XML, the server will store this data as Unicode strings.

Click through for a couple of examples and their data storage requirements.

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The Limitations of Metadata-Only Updates

Eitan Blumin does not like the limitations of metadata-only column changes with SQL Server 2016:

This is an excellent mechanism on the one hand…

However, it’s completely useless when the column you want to change has a CLUSTERED INDEX defined on it (regardless of whether it’s also a PRIMARY KEY or not).

Such a scenario would especially be common with IDENTITY columns (which, ironically, is exactly the kind of examples that Paul presented in his post).

Click through to understand the scope of this limitation.

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Detecting and Changing Multiple Columns’ Data Types with Power Query

Imke Feldmann has a quick tip for us:

Very often, when you expand a column in Power Query that contains a table or some records, the expanded columns will lose their types (like Chris Webb has described here for example). Or you might just have accidently deleted a “Changed Type”-step.

Did you know there is actually a superfast and easy way to do it?

Read on to see how you can change the data type for multiple columns all at once.

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Date and Time Storage in SQL Server

Randolph West covers the internals of how date and time data types are stored in SQL Server:

DATE is the byte-reversed number of days since the year 0001-01-01, stored as three bytes. It goes up to 9999-12-31, which is stored as 0xDAB937. You can check this value by reversing the bytes and sticking them into a hex calculator. 37 B9 DA equals 3,652,058, which is the number of days since 0001-01-01.

If you try to cast 0xDBB937 as a DATE value (by incrementing the least significant bit DA by 1), it will throw a conversion error. There is obviously some overflow detection that protects against corruption in a date type.

Randolph looks at DATE, TIME, DATETIME(2), and DATETIME and explains how each is storedon a page.

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Metadata-Only Column Changes with SQL Server 2016

Paul White takes us through several metadata-only changes which SQL Server 2016 introduced:

These changes can be metadata-only because the underlying binary data layout does not change when Column Descriptor row format is used (hence the need for compression). Without compression, row store uses the original FixedVar representation, which cannot accommodate these fixed-length data type changes without rewriting the physical layout.

You may notice that tinyint is omitted from the integer types list. This is because it is unsigned, while the other integer types are all signed, so a metadata-only change is not possible. For example, a value of 255 can fit in one byte for tinyint, but requires two bytes in any of the signed formats. The signed formats can hold -128 to +127 in one byte when compressed.

This is very interesting, but note the long list of requirements for it to work, notably that compression must be enabled on all indexes and partitions.

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Explaining SQL_VARIANT

Kenneth Fisher explains what the SQL_VARIANT data type is used for:

The SQL_VARIANT data type is an interesting beast. It is a data type that can store most types of data. So a datedecimalintvarchar etc. can be stored in this single data type. This sounds great right? Well there are a few issues here.

I don’t think I’ve ever used SQL_VARIANT data types before. It always struck me as a refuge for not wanting to think about what the proper data type should be. In fairness to it, though, I’ve seen plenty of unthoughtful solutions using NVARCHAR as well.

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Illogical Errors and Implicit Conversion

Aaron Bertrand takes us through a problem with seemingly indeterminate query errors:

I’ve talked about illogical errors before. In several answers on Database Administrators (onetwothree), I show how you can use a CASE expression or TRY_CONVERT to work around an error where a non-numeric value, that should have been filtered out by a join or other clause, still leads to a conversion error. Erland Sommarskog raised a Connect item over a decade ago, still unaddressed, called “SQL Server should not raise illogical errors.”

Recently we had a scenario where a query was failing on one server but not another. But this was slightly different; there were no numerics involved. Imagine this scenario: a source table has a column that is varchar(20). A query creates a table variable with a column that is varchar(10), and inserts rows from the source table, with a filter in place that only exposes values that are 10 characters or less.

In a lot of cases, of course, this scenario is perfectly fine, and everything works as expected.

Read the whole thing. There is a method to the madness, and Aaron explains how it can come up in some cases but not others.

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SQL Server and Bytes Per Character

Solomon Rutzky explains that just because you’ve got a VARCHAR column, it’s not necessarily one byte per character:

For VARCHAR, some of you might be thinking that it was “1” until recently when SQL Server 2019 introduced the “_UTF8” collations. Nope. The last time “1” was correct for VARCHAR was back in SQL Server 7.0, before SQL Server 2000 introduced the Windows collations which offered some Double-Byte Character Sets.

For NVARCHAR, some of you might be thinking that it was “2” until SQL Server 2012 introduced the “_SC” collations that fully support Supplementary Characters (UTF-16). Sorry, still incorrect. “2” was never technically correct for NVARCHAR, it was only temporarily correct for the first few years (until Supplementary Characters were defined in Unicode 3.1, released in March, 2001). Ever since SQL Server 7.0 introduced the NCHARNVARCHAR, and NTEXT datatypes, it has been possible to store whatever UTF-16 byte sequences you want, even if they are currently undefined. The older collations do not recognize surrogate pairs / Supplementary Characters, but that’s not related to SQL Server’s ability to store and retrieve any 16-bit code point. As long as you are using a font that supports Supplementary Characters, they should display correctly.

Solomon is one of a handful of people I’ve met who has collations and characters down cold.

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