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Category: Data Science

The Effects of Undersampling and Oversampling on Predicted Probability

Bryan Shalloway has an interesting article for us:

In classification problems, under and over sampling techniques shift the distribution of predicted probabilities towards the minority class. If your problem requires accurate probabilities you will need to adjust your predictions in some way during post-processing (or at another step) to account for this.

Bryan has a clear example showing this problem in action.

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Defining Simple Regression

Vincent Granville has a new algorithm for us:

The model-free, data-driven technique discussed here is so basic that it can easily be implemented in Excel, and we actually provide an Excel implementation. It is surprising that this technique does not pre-date standard linear regression, and is rarely if ever used by statisticians and data scientists. It is related to kriging and nearest neighbor interpolation, and apparently first mentioned in 1965 by Harvard scientists working on GIS (geographic information systems). It was referred back then as Shepard’s method or inverse distance weighting, and used for multivariate interpolation on non-regular grids (see here and here). We call this technique simple regression.

Read on to learn more about simple regression, including how to implement it and how it performs.

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Understanding Skewness and Kurtosis

George Pipis explains two key concepts of a distribution:

Most commonly a distribution is described by its mean and variance which are the first and second moments respectively. Another less common measures are the skewness (third moment) and the kurtosis (fourth moment). Today, we will try to give a brief explanation of these measures and we will show how we can calculate them in R.

Click through for an explanation. H/T R-Bloggers

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GIS Capabilities in R

Lionel Hertzog shows off spatial capabilities in R:

All of these operations follow the same logic, st_operation(A, B) checks for each combinations of the geometries in A and B whether A operation B is true or false. For instance st_within(A, B) checks whether the geometries in A are within B, this is similar to st_contains(B, A), the difference between the two being the shape of the returned object. If A has n geometries and B has m, st_contains(B, A) returns a list of length m where each elements contains the row IDs (numbers between 1 and n) of the geometries in A satisfying the operation. By using sparse=FALSE the functions returns matrices, like st_within(A, B, sparse=FALSE) returns a n x m matrix, st_within(B, A, sparse=FALSE) returns a m x n matrix. Note that running st_operation(A, A) checks the operation between all geometries of the object, so returning a n x n matrix.

Click through for part 1 of the series.

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Outlier Identification Using Spark 3.0

Tori Tompkins takes us through principles of anomaly detection in Apache Spark 3.0:

To calculate Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) you need to calculate the difference between the value and the median. In simpler terms, you will need to calculate the median of the entire dataset, the difference between each value and this median, then take another median of all the differences.

In Spark you can use a SQL expression ‘percentile()’ to calculate any medians or quartiles in a dataframe. ‘percentile()’ expects a column and an array of percentiles to calculate (for median we can provide ‘array(0.5)’ because we want the 50% value ie median) and will return an array of results.

Like standard deviation, to use MAD to identify the outliers it needs to be a certain number of MAD’s away. This number is also referred to as the threshold and is defaulted to 3.

Read on for three measures and their implementations in PySpark.

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Sliding Windows in R

Bryan Shalloway shows off some new functionality in the rsample package:

For some problems you may want to take a traditional regression or classification based approach while still accounting for the date/time-sensitive components of your data. In this post I will use the tidymodels suite of packages to:

– build lag based and non-lag based features
– set-up appropriate time series cross-validation windows
– evaluate performance of linear regression and random forest models on a regression problem

For my example I will use data from Wake County food inspections. I will try to predict the SCORE for upcoming restaurant food inspections.

Click through to see it in action.

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Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

Layla Yang and Hector Leano walk us through measuring how effective an advertising campaign was:

At a high level we are connecting a time series of regional sales to regional offline and online ad impressions over the trailing thirty days. By using ML to compare the different kinds of measurements (TV impressions or GRPs versus digital banner clicks versus social likes) across all regions, we then correlate the type of engagement to incremental regional sales in order to build attribution and forecasting models. The challenge comes in merging advertising KPIs  such as impressions, clicks, and page views from different data sources with different schemas (e.g., one source might use day parts to measure impressions while another uses exact time and date; location might be by zip code in one source and by metropolitan area in another).

As an example, we are using a SafeGraph rich dataset for foot traffic data to restaurants from the same chain. While we are using mocked offline store visits for this example, you can just as easily plug in offline and online sales data provided you have region and date included in your sales data. We will read in different locations’ in-store visit data, explore the data in PySpark and Spark SQL, and make the data clean, reliable and analytics ready for the ML task. For this example, the marketing team wants to find out which of the online media channels is the most effective channel to drive in-store visits.A

Click through for the article as well as notebooks.

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Projecting Defensive Back Trajectories with Sagemaker

Lin Lee Cheong, et al, relay some interesting research:

NFL’s Next Gen Stats (NGS) powered by AWS accurately captures player and ball data in real time for every play and every NFL game—over 300 million data points per season—through the extensive use of sensors in players’ pads and the ball. With this rich set of tracking data, NGS uses AWS machine learning (ML) technology to uncover deeper insights and develop a better understanding of various aspects and trends of the game. To date, NGS metrics have focused on helping fans better appreciate and understand the offense and defense in gameplay through the application of advanced analytics, particularly in the passing game. Thanks to tracking data, it’s possible to quantify the difficulty of passes, model expected yards after catch, and determine the value of various play outcomes. A logical next step with this analytical information is to evaluate quarterback decision-making, such as whether the quarterback has considered all eligible receivers and evaluated tradeoffs accurately.

To effectively model quarterback decision-making, we considered a few key metrics—mainly the probability of different events occurring on a pass, and the value of said events. A pass can result in three outcomes: completion, incompletion, or interception. NGS has already created models that provide probabilities of these outcomes, but these events rely on information that’s available at only two points during the play: when the ball is thrown (termed as pass-forward), and when the ball arrives to a receiver (pass-arrived). Because of this, creating accurate probabilities requires modeling the trajectory of players between those two points in time.

For these probabilities, the quarterback’s decision is heavily influenced by the quality of defensive coverage on various receivers, because a receiver with a closely covered defender has a lower likelihood of pass completion compared to a receiver who is wide open due to blown coverage. Furthermore, defenders are inherently reactive to how the play progresses. Defenses move in completely different ways depending on which receiver is targeted on the pass. This means that a trajectory model for defenders has to similarly be reactive to the specified targeted receiver in a believable manner.

Click through for details on the study.

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