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Category: Administration

Copying a Database with dbatools

Jess Pomfret shows how we can copy a database using dbatools:

We’re working hard on the AdventureWorks2017 database, perhaps getting it ready for an upgrade – since it’s now 3+ years out of date.

dbatools has so many functions, and I know I’ve mentioned it before, but Find-DbaCommand is a great way of looking for what we need. I want to know what the default backup path is set to, and since I’m just backing up and restoring to the same server, we already know that the instance has the required permissions here. If only there was an easy button for this…

Spoiler alert: there is.

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Enabling Instant File Initialization After Installation

Chad Callihan takes us through the benefits of Instant File Initialization, as well as how to enable it after you’ve installed SQL Server:

Instant File Initialization is especially helpful when large file growths are occurring. Without Instant File Initialization, SQL Server has to write zeros to the disk in order to initialize it before SQL Server can use it for new data. As with autogrowth, the amount of time this process takes depends on the size. The more disk space that is needed, the longer it’s going to take for the disk to be zeroed for use. Fortunately, IFI exists to skip the need to write out zeroes. Instead, disk space can immediately be used as needed.

IFI can also make a noticeable difference when restoring databases. If you’re working on getting your recovery time objective (RTO) down, check the status of IFI. Enabling IFI may help cut that number down to an acceptable value.

This is particularly interesting because, for the most part, I’ve only seen posts showing how to enable it at installation time.

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DTUs and vCores in Azure SQL Database

Arun Sirpal gives us one take on whether to use DTUs or vCores for Azure SQL Database:

If you are building database solutions in Azure , using Azure SQL Database then you will know that you have a purchasing option decision to make. That being should you use a vCore model or DTU approach?

Arun prefers the vCore model for solid reasons. I agree with the sentiment when we’re talking about production databases. For small-scale, personal stuff, however, the bottom end of the DTU model is much less expensive.

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Auto-Pausing Dedicated SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analytics

Fonseca Sergio automates an important cost-saving measure when working with Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL pools:

As Synapse engineer or Synapse Support Engineer you may need to start and test some Pools, and you want this to be the most cost efficient possible. Leaving some Synapse with a lot of DWU left turned on during the weekend because you forget to pause the DW after you shutdown your computers is not a good approach and we can quickly resolve this by using Powershell + Automation accounts.

This is also a good introduction to Azure Automation if you aren’t familiar with it.

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Collecting Wait Stats Over Time

Michael J. Swart has a repo for us:

I find wait stats so useful that I’ve got Paul Randal’s SQL Server Wait Statistics (or please tell me where it hurts…) bookmarked and I visit it frequently.

But that gives the total amount of waits for each wait type accumulated since the server was started. And that isn’t ideal when I’m troubleshooting trouble that started recently. No worries, Paul also has another fantastic post Capturing wait statistics for a period of time.

You can also get this from various monitoring tools, as Michael mentions, but if you don’t have such a tool in place, here’s how you can roll your own.

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Running an mlflow Server on Azure

Paul Hernandez configures mlflow on Azure using platform-as-a-service offerings:

It is indisputable true that mlflow came to make life a lot easier not only for data scientists but also for data engineers, architects among others. There is a very helpful list of tutorials and example in the official mlflow docs. You can just download it, open a console and start using it locally on your computer. This is the fastest way to getting started. However, as soon as you progress and introduce mlflow in your team, or you want to use it extensively for yourself, some components should be deployed outside your laptop.

To exercise a deployment setup and since I own azure experience, I decided to provision a couple of resources in the cloud to deploy the model registry and store the data produced by the tracking server.

I concur on the power of mlflow.

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Adjusting Database Settings with Powershell

Eric Cobb takes a look at some nice functionality in dbatools:

There may be times that you want to ensure certain settings are applied to a database, or multiple databases. For example, if you restore a Production database to a QA environment, you may need to change the Recovery Model. Or if you’re migrating databases to a new SQL Server version you want to make sure to update the Compatibility Level. With dbatools this is really, really easy. Here are some examples:

Read on for examples around setting the database owner, changing the compatibility level, and setting the recovery model.

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Collecting Database Name with Extended Events

Aaron Bertrand has a philosophical dilemma:

Now, in order to capture this data to DDLEventLog, we have a background process running on a schedule that extracts all the new data from the latest .xel files and loads it into the table. (There’s also a process that moves files we know we’ve consumed and deletes them 90 days later to keep the loading job linear.)

This revealed an edge case where it is possible to lose one aspect of the data: database name. When originally building the session, I thought database_id would be enough because the loading process could always look up the name from there. But this is brittle. Imagine the case where a user drops a table, drops the database, then the loading process pulls data from the session. That data about dropping the table contains just a database_id that no longer exists.

Read on for Aaron’s thoughts and ultimate decision.

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