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Category: Administration

Hyperconvergence and SQL Server

Robert Sheldon gives us a primer on hyperconverged infrastructure:

A growing number of organizations have deployed hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) systems in an effort to simplify IT operations, better utilize resources, and lower costs. They might house the systems in their own data centers, colocation facilities, edge environments, or office closets. Regardless of the location, many of the organizations are running SQL Server on their HCI systems, often alongside other applications. Although it means deploying SQL Server to a virtualized environment, such a practice has become fairly common, especially with the advent of the cloud. This article covers hyperconvergence, another option for SQL Server.

Despite how common hyperconvergence has become, some IT teams might still not be familiar with HCI or are familiar with HCI but have not deployed SQL Server to an HCI platform. In either case, they might now be considering HCI for SQL Server and need to better understand what this looks like before deciding on new infrastructure. Although HCI can make it easier to provide a platform for SQL Server, decision-makers should know what they’re getting into before going down this route.

Click through to learn more about hyperconverged infrastructure and where it can help (or hurt).

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A Checklist for Database Post-Restoration

Randolph West wants you to keep some things in mind after you restore that database:

Whenever I restore a database — especially one I obtained outside of my regular environment (for example a customer database, a development database, or even a sample database like WideWorldImporters) — there are a few things I like to check to make sure it’s configured for peak performance.

Note that some of this advice may apply only to non-production databases.

Click through for the list.

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Setting up a Full-Text Index in SQL Server

Steve Jones walks us through setup for a new full-text index in SQL Server:

A full text index allows you to search a little more freely than standard T-SQL with a LIKE or wildcards. It’s useful for going through large amounts of text, mainly hundreds or thousands of words.

To get started, you need to know a few things. First, this system in modern SQL Server (2008+) is set up on all instances. You don’t enabled FTS like you would for In-Memory OLTP tables or FILESTREAM.

Next, you need a catalog for the FTS indexes, which is a logical container.

Next, a table with data.

Finally, you create the index. In this post, I’ll look at SSMS and the GUI. In another one, I’ll look at the T-SQL itself.

With all that in mind, click through to read Steve’s post and set up your own full-text search process.

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Developing a Patch Strategy

Brent Ozar shares a patching strategy:

Decide how you’re going to detect problems. Every now and then, an update breaks something. For example, SQL Server 2019 CU7 broke snapshotsSQL Server 2019 CU2 broke Agent, and so many more, but my personal favorite was when SQL Server 2014 SP1 CU6 broke NOLOCK. Sure, sometimes the update installer will just outright fail – but sometimes the installer succeeds, but your SQL Server installation is broken anyway, and it may take hours or days to detect the problem. You need to monitor for new and unusual failures or performance problems.

Click through to see the high-level strategy elements.

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Hosting a Python API with Flask

Mrinal Walia shows how you can build a Python API, such as one for generating machine learning predictions, using Flask:

Deployment is a crucial move in the ML workflow. It is a mark where we want to implement our ML model into utilization. Later, we can practice the model in practical life.

But how can we design the model as a treatment? We can develop an Application Programming Interface (API). With that, we can reach the model universally, can be a mobile application or web application. In Python, there’s a library that can assist us in building an API. It’s named Flask.

This article will explain how to construct a REST API for our machine learning model utilizing Flask. Without further ado, let’s begun!

Flask is the first step, but then I’d want to reverse proxy it with gunicorn or Nginx afterward.

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TempDB Configuration Tips

Jeff Iannucci adds on to tempdb configuration advice:

Step 1: Provision a separate drive. Put your TempDB away from your precious user data files, as well as the other system databases. This probably isn’t your job, so ask your friends on your infrastructure team to provision and mount a T: drive or whatever of a size that you gauge appropriately. What’s appropriate? Hey, I don’t know your system – that’s why they pay you the big bucks, friend.

Read on for the full set of tips.

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Moving Synapse Databases Across Subscriptions

Steve Hughes hits on one of the tricky administrative bits of Azure Synapse Analytics:

So you can copy Azure SQL Database using the Azure Portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, and T-SQL. However, this functionality is limited to Azure SQL Database and does not work for Azure Synapse databases (a.k.a. SQL Pools). Early in 2021, the ability to use the copy functionality to copy databases between subscriptions is also supported but requires security work to make sure the permissions in the database servers and networking allow that to happen.

There’s a lot involved in the process, leaving me to provide the sage wisdom that it’s easier not to put it in the wrong subscription to begin with if you can avoid it.

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15 tempdb Notes

Deepthi Goguri summarizes a detailed session from Bob Ward:

While I was preparing for my Tempdb presentation, I learned many interesting facts about Tempdb. Thanks so much Bob Ward (t|g) for providing me with the resources to prepare for my presentation. Bob Ward has presented an amazing 3 hour session about Tempdb for the PASS Summit couple of years ago. This information is invaluable.

Read on for 15 notes of interest.

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Automate Availability Group Failover for SSISDB 2012 and 2014

Alex Stuart shows how to fail over SSISDB in SQL Server 2012 or 2014:

Hopefully not many people are still configuring SSIS instances on SQL 2012 or 2014 – especially HA instances – but if you are, this post is for you.

If you’re running SQL Server 2016 or above, having the SSIS catalog function correctly in an AG is supported by built-in functionality to manage the DMK (database master key). In 2012/2014 however there is no such support. Without intervention this makes SSISDB unable to be opened after a failover, because the DMK isn’t open – leading to errors such as “Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation.

Read on to see how to resolve this error, and then how to do this automatically.

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