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Category: Administration

Changing Identity Start Value

Kenneth Fisher has a good post on what happens when you change the seed value of an identity column:

Well Paul told me this wasn’t the case. Now when Paul tells me something I believe him, but I also like to run tests. So I decided to usesys.fn_PhysLocCracker(%%physloc%%). %%physloc%% returns a varbinary that gives you the location of the row. When passed tosys.fn_PhysLocCracker(%%physloc%%) it returns the database file, page in the file, and slot number where the row can be found. So to start with I create an identity(1,1) and I run 20 inserts, one at a time, checking row locations each time. This is to confirm I’m right about this part.

Clicking through is worth it for the hypnotizing animated GIFs.

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Why Force Query Store Plans

Grant Fritchey explains the wherefore behind query store plan forcing:

But, what else does Force Plan do for you? What if you never experience bad parameter sniffing (you do, but I’m not going to argue the point)? Is there something else that Force Plan can do for you? Heck yes! The whole point of creating the Query Store was in order to address Plan Regression. What the heck is plan regression? When Microsoft makes any change to the Query Optimizer, and those changes come all the time, it’s possible that you might see a change in your execution plans. Most of the time, it’s going to be a positive change. That’s why they’re changing the Optimizer after all, to improve it. However, sometimes, you’re benefiting from the old behavior of the Optimizer and that new plan doesn’t work as well as the old plan. This is plan regression. When Microsoft changed the Cardinality Estimation engine in SQL Server 2014, more than a few people experienced the new estimator giving row estimates that resulted in a different execution plan that didn’t perform as well as the old plan. This is plan regression. What to do?

This is a good read.

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Error Handling With Extended Events, Part 2

Dave Mason continues his discussion of using Extended Events to handle errors:

In the last post, we explored a couple of examples of using Extended Events to enhance T-SQL error handling. There was some potential there. But a hard-coded SPID was necessary: we couldn’t use the code examples for anything automated. It was cumbersome, too. Let’s change that, shall we?

To make the code easier to work with, I moved most of it into three stored procs: one each to create an XEvent session, get the XEvent session data, and drop the XEvent session. There’s also a table type. This will negate the need to declare a temp table over and over. The four objects can be created in any database you choose. I opted to create them in [tempdb]. The code for each is below in the four tabs.

This is a very interesting solution.

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Automating DMV Scripts

Sander Stad has a Powershell script to automate using Glenn Berry’s excellent DMV queries:

I’ve used Glenn’s DMV scripts for years but always found them tedious to execute because there are about 70 individual scripts that either query instance or retrieve database information. Glenn did make it easier for you by creating Excel templates to save the information in.
There are separate scripts for each version of SQL Server that updated every month. Glenn only updates the versions for 2012 to 2016 with new features. The scripts are very well documented and even contain hints about how to solve some issues.

Click through for more information on how to install this Powershell module.

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Azure SQL Database Size Quotas

Dimitri Furman discusses the MAXSIZE property on an Azure SQL Database:

Customers can use this ability to allow scaling down to a lower service objective, when otherwise scaling down wouldn’t be possible because the database is too large.

While this capability is useful for some customers, the fact that the actual size quota for the database may be different from the maximum size quota for the selected service objective can be unexpected, particularly for customers who are used to working with the traditional SQL Server, where there is no explicit size quota at the database level. Exceeding the unexpectedly low database size quota will prevent new space allocations within the database, which can be a serious problem for many types of applications.

One more thing to think about, I suppose.

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Firewall Configuration With Powershell

Slava Murygin gives an introduction to firewall configuration using Powershell:

The Script has list of adjustable filters:
$Direction – Direction of firewall rule: Inbound or Outbound;
$Action – Action rule performs: Allow or Block;
$Enabled – Status of a rule: Enabled – True or False;
$RuleGroup – Group rule has been assigned. By default script uses “$Null” variable, which filters all rules without assigned group. However you can specify a group a name if necessary;
$DisplayName – Name of a rule. By default I use an expression “*SQL*” to search for rules which have word “SQL” in their name. To retrieve all rules us “*”. To retrieve any particular rule use rule name.

He looks at viewing rules as well as creating, modifying, and deleting them.

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Diagnosing And Solving A Performance Problem

Monica Rathbun had a major performance problem; this is how she solved it:


  • Very High Disk Latency as high as 300,000 milliseconds (ms) is not unusual
  • Average: 900 – 15,000ms
  • Memory Pressure
  • Slow User Experience


  • Bad hardware
  • Over-provisioned VM Hosts (what happens on one VM effects the other)
  • Old NetApp SAN
  • No infrastructure budget for new hardware

Challenge: Make the system viable with no hardware changes or tweaks

Those disk latencies are scary.  I like the systematic approach Monica takes, and the end result was very positive.

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Administrative Scripts

Slava Murygin has ten Powershell scripts to help administer a SQL Server instance:

Script #5. Read SQL Server Error Log file.

That is extremely important troubleshooting script. When you start/restart the SQL Server service and it does not come up, you can run this script to see what was going on during the SQL Server startup and what was the problem (just note that value of “$SQLInstancePath” must be pre-set by previous script):

Click through for all of the scripts.

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Auditing Dropped Databases

Jason Brimhall shows how to figure out who dropped that database:

What do you do when you run into that missing database situation and the inevitable denial that will ensue?  This is when an audit can save the day.  Through an audit, you can discover who dropped the database and when it happened.  Then you have hard data to take back to the team to again ask what happened.  Taking the info from a previous article of mine, we can alter the script I published there and re-use it for our needs here.

This is available in the default trace or, as Jason points out, you can create an Extended Event (which data can live much longer than that in the default trace).

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Chaos Sloth

Erik Darling has created a script to make your servers go slow:

It randomly generates values and changes some important configuration settings.

  • Max Degree of Parallelism
  • Cost Threshold
  • Max Memory
  • Database compatibility level

This was written for SQL Server 2016, on a box that had 384 GB of RAM. If your specs don’t line up, you may have to change the seed values here. I’m not putting any more development into this thing to automatically detect SQL version or memory in the server, because this was a one-off joke script to see how bad things could get.

How bad did they get? The server crashed multiple times.

Not for production purposes.  Or maybe any purposes…

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