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Category: Administration

Column Specification On Insert

Michael Swart has a small console app which searches for INSERT statements missing column specifications:

I’ve got a program here that finds procedures with missing column specifications.

  • If for some reason, you don’t care about enforcing this rule for temp tables and table variables, then uncomment the line // visitor.TolerateTempTables = true;

  • It uses ScriptDom which you can get from Microsoft as a nuget package.

  • The performance is terrible in Visual Studio because ScriptDom uses Antlr which uses exceptions for flow control and this leads to lots of “first chance exceptions” which slows down debugging. Outside of Visual Studio, it’s just fine.

Click through for the code.

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The Cloud DBA

Kendra Little thinks about the evolution of the DBA role:

Lots of things have been reported to kill the DBA over the years

SQL Server 2005 was said to be “self-tuning”! Who needs a DBA when the instance tunes itself? (Apparently everyone.)

Outsourcing: All the DBA jobs are going to X location, then Y location, then Z location. Then back to X. DBA jobs have become more global, but “outsourcing” hasn’t gotten rid of DBA jobs in the United States. It has been part of the trend to make working remotely more normal and easy, which is generally good for DBAs.

DevOps! All the developers will manage everything. And somehow know to do so.  I love Dev Ops, and I have seen it wipe out some QA departments, but I haven’t seen it wipe out DBAs. I think it’s fun to be a DBA working with a Dev Ops team.

Consider this in contrast to Dave Mason’s concern.  My perspective is a lot closer to Kendra’s, but both posts make the good point that IT roles are ever-shifting.

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Dynamic DNS And Powershell

Drew Furgiuele explains dynamic DNS and shows how to use Powershell to keep your Google Dynamic DNS record up to date:

Google’s Dynamic DNS API is really little less than a HTTPS POST to a specific URL with some parameters packed into the post. What makes it work, though, is for each dynamic DNS host name you provide, you get an auto-generated user name and password that needs to be part of the POST. PowerShell is really naturally suited for this type of automation, thanks to Invoke-WebRequest (MSDN Link). It’s built for this, and even supports HTTPS. Heck, it even supports the implementation of username:password in the request via a PSCredential object.

All I really needed to do was to wrap the code in a function and add some parameters that can be passed in, invoke the web request, and parse the results.

Click through for more information, including a couple Powershell scripts.

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Row Counts For All Tables

Andrew Peterson has a script to get row counts for each table based on sys.dm_db_partition_stats:

When you need the row count from a table, the most common way is to use count(*). But what if you need the row count for all the tables in your database?  You could use the sp_MSforeachtable stored procedure:

EXEC sys.sp_MSforeachtable ‘select ”?”,count(*) from ?;’;

Nice, but the return format is a bit difficult to manage, since it effectively runs the query for as many times as you have tables in your database.

Click through for Andrew’s script.  One thing to keep in mind is that the number of rows might be off, especially for columnstore tables with ghost records.  It’s an estimate, but one which tends toward the correct answer.

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Functions To Know By Heart

Kevin Hill has a top ten functions list for database administrators:

3. DBCC Opentran – log file filling up?  Processes blocked and timing out? See if some doofus (hopefully not you) left a transaction open and went to lunch.  If you are lucky you can kill it.   Unlucky and you find an undistributed replicated transaction.

4. Getdate() – Not sure why, but this winds up in probably 80% of the scripts I write.  Not surprisingly, it often brings along it’s little brother, DateDiff.

I’d go with GETUTCDATE() or SYSUTCDATETIME() over GETDATE(); that way, everything gets stored as UTC and you spend less time worrying about time zone or Daylight Savings Time issues.

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Logging Space Used

Andrew Peterson has a script to grab space used for each database:

After reviewing the posts, many, perhaps all of the procedures and commands I found provided valuable information. Just not what I wanted. We have:

sp_spaceused, but it returns data in two data sets. Not ideal.  Next we have…

sp_databases, but it just returns a list of databases and the size. Not ideal.  Or use…

DBCC showfilestats,   Ok, but still incomplete. And, since it is not listed on the main DBCC page at MSDN, its most likely deprecated.

And speaking of DBCC, there are other commands to consider. But what I was really hoping to find was a simple way to use the sys.database_files DMV. It is very close, but not quite complete.

Read on for the solution.  One small change I’d prefer is using Aaron Bertrand’s sp_foreachdb for iterating.  Or write a Powershell script if you want to take the looping outside of SQL Server.

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Understanding sp_who2

Kendra Little explains what the sp_who2 procedure does and how to read its results:

Let’s talk about sp_who2

I started out using sp_who2, also! And I was often confused by sp_who2.

sp_who2 is a built-in stored procedure in SQL Server.

  • Shows a lot of sessions, even on an idle instance
  • Doesn’t tell you much about what it’s doing

Here’s what an idle SQL Server looks like in sp_who2

This is my dev SQL Server instance. I have a few sessions open, but the only one which was executing anything was the one you see, where I ran sp_who2. I don’t have any agent jobs scheduled on this thing. It’s just waiting for something to happen.

It’s hard to know what to look at, because we see so much. And only 19 of the 49 sessions is on the screen, too.

Kendra then goes on to explain that there are better ways of getting this information and plugs sp_whoisactive.  I’m 100% in agreement.

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Instant File Initialization In DMVs

Rodney Landrum shows off a couple new columns in SQL Server 2016 SP1 DMVs:

Microsoft announced many new features in SQL Server 2016 SP1 and the fanfare was mostly centered around the Enterprise features now available in SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition.  Many may have missed some hidden gems in the announcement.  Two of these are columns added to the existing DMVs, sys.dm_server_services and sys.dm_os_sys_info. The columns provide information for two specific features that previously had to be gathered by opening gpedit.msc and/or scrolling through SQL error logs. I am referring to Lock Pages in Memory and Instant File Initialization (enabled via Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks privilege).

It is now possible to simply query the DMVs to determine if these are being used for the running SQL Server instance.

Click through for the details.

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Using ostress

Erik Darling explains how to stress test using ostress:

You can spend a lot of money on people and complicated software to design, run, and monitor workloads against test environments, or you can throw together tests with some free tools like SQL Query Stress or Microsoft’s RML Utilities.

RML Utilities is pretty cool, and includes ostress.exe along with some other components. What I really like about ostress is that it’s all CLI, so you can call it from Agent Jobs, and feed it all sorts of cool options. When you create the Agent Job, you just use the Operating system (CmdExec) type of step instead of T-SQL, or whatever else.

For simulated load, ostress is powerful.  For “ripped from the headlines” load, the Database Experimentation Assistant might do the trick once it matures.

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