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Category: Administration

Process Mapping On Linux With SQL Server And Oracle

Kellyn Pot’vin-Gorman contrasts SQL Server versus Oracle outputs when running a couple common Linux process commands:

In our Oracle environment, we can see every background process, with it’s own pid and along with the process monitor, (pmon)db writer, (dbwr), log writer, (lgwr), we also have archiving, (arcx), job processing, (j00x) performance and other background processing.  I didn’t even grep for the Oracle executable, so you recognize how quickly we can see what is running.

In the SQL Server environment, we only have two processes- our parent process is PID 7 and the child is 9 for SQL Server and nothing to distinguish what they actually are doing.  If we decide to use the pmap utility to view what the parent and child process aredoing, we see only sqlservr as the mapping information.

I imagine that things like this will improve over time for SQL Server, but Oracle definitely has a leg up in this regard.

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Using Pester For Configuration Checks

Andrew Pruski shows how to use Pester to audit SQL Server configuration settings:

One Pester test running!

What I like about this is that it can be easily dropped into a job scheduler (e.g.- Jenkins) and then you’ve got a way to routinely check (and correct) all the configuration settings of the SQL instances that you monitor.

Pester would not have been my first thought for configuration checking, but it does serve as another useful option.

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Against Simply Closing Connections With Rollback

Kenneth Fisher shows how to close all database connections and immediately roll them back, but then explains why you shouldn’t default to that:

But, let’s take a minute and think about this a bit closer. Should we? Should we dump everyone out of the database? Are you sure?

  • Well, it’s dev and we’ve talked to the development team. No one is doing anything right now.
  • It’s prod so we’ve been extra careful. We arranged an outage with the business and confirmed that now is a good time.

Well, in theory, we’ve been told no one is using the database. However, that’s theory, this is reality, and in fact, someone is in the database. But what are they doing? Is it just a leftover connection? Someone left a query window open and forgot about it? The application creates a connection and holds on to it 24×7 even if it’s not doing anything?

Click through for more thoughts on the topic.

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Database Migrations With DBATools

Jason Squires has a series on database migrations using dbatools.  The first part covers capacity planning:

Great results, I now know that I cannot move the database from one server to another on any of the drives shown without expanding the drive volume.  Even though this was an awesome output, I wanted more. I know my data and log drives that I wanted to focus on so I decided to dump everything into an array.

The second part is the actual migration:

In this post, I am going to show you the steps that I decided to take to do this particular migration.  This migration was going to be a bit different. I am merging two systems together, so I had to really think the process through and ensure I get everything I needed. I also did not want to rollback due to the systems being legacy and unsupported. Some of the hosts were going to be pushing storage limits so I had to ensure everything went flawlessly so I could decommission the legacy systems quickly.

Both of these have scripts and explanations attached, making it easy to follow along.

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Alerting In Azure SQL Database

Arun Sirpal shows how to set up an alert for an Azure SQL Database:

I keep things simple and like to look at certain performance based metrics but before talking about what metrics are available let’s step through an example.

For this post I want to setup an alert for CPU percentage utilised that when it is greater than 50% over the last 5 minutes I would like to know about it. First step is to navigate to your Azure SQL Database.

Click through for a screenshot-driven guided tour.

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Validating Database Mail

Frank Gill has a script to validate that your database mail settings are valid:

In my last post, I shared a script to automate the migration of SQL Server Database Mail settings. In this post, I show how to send test e-mails from all Database Mail profiles on an instance. The migration I was working on contained 21 Database Mail profiles. The following script will send a test e-mail from each profile to confirm successful configuration. I hope you can put this code to use in your migrations.

Click through for the script.

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Upgrading A Cluster To Windows Server 2016

Ryan Adams shows how to upgrade a failover cluster running Windows Server 2012 R2 to Windows Server 2016 without having to start from scratch:

Starting in Windows Server 2012 R2 you now have a way to upgrade a cluster to Windows 2016.  The best part is it’s not an OS upgrade, but a rebuild.  The magic is that you can join a Windows 2016 server to a Windows 2012 R2 cluster.  You can upgrade your cluster with as little as one failover and thus very little down time.  Everything stays in compatibility mode until all nodes are upgraded to Windows 2016 and then you upgrade the cluster functional level.  This is great news for those of us running FCIs or AGs.

Click through for a listing of steps and a video.

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Offline Installation Of SQL Server 2017 ML Services

Jan Mulkens shows how to install SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services when your the server hosting SQL Server doesn’t have outbound internet access:

That’s when you remember it… Your server isn’t connected to the internet!
Pretty normal, but in your enthusiasm you completely forgot that SQL Server needs to download some binaries for the R and Python components you so desperately want on your precious machine!

Luckily, the installer comes to your rescue and shows you where to download those binaries it needs.
Turns out however… This link only is for one R component and the installer won’t let you pass to the next screen!

Read on for the answer.

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Backup-Related Instance Settings

Monica Rathbun explains a few instance-level backup properties:

Default backup media retention in days. Now the first things that comes to my mind is that “hey this is a cleanup job” SCORE! Thinking that maybe this will auto delete old backups. After all isn’t that what retention means? NOPE, not in this case.

In this case it’s just a number of days before that a backup media can be OVERWRITTEN. If the DBA goes to overwrite the media before those days it will give a warning message. You’ll note in every back up action you do the RETAINDAYS option is filled in. In this case it will always reflect to 90 now that we have changed it. In general, this a pointless option to me. I don’t normally OVERWRITE backup media. To me this was more relevant when Tapes were used and disk were harder to come by, so I leave it alone.

Read on for more settings.

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