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Author: Kevin Feasel

Ordered Clustered Columnstore Indexes in Azure SQL DW

Niko Neugebauer takes us through a new feature in preview for Azure SQL Data Warehouse:

After creating (or dropping and recreating a Clustered Columnstore Index we can specify the reserved word ORDER and then one or !!!MULTIPLE!!! columns. This looks like an extremely promising feature!

On Azure SQL Data Warehouse one can of course define table as a Columnstore and with that specification it is also possible to define an ORDER option with one or multiple columns.

For the syntax and basic functionality testing purposes on Azure SQL Data Warehouse, let us then create a table with a Clustered Columnstore Index, load some data and see if by recreating an Ordered Clustered Columnstore Index we can achieve some improvements.

Niko has a few hard-earned lessons from this post.

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When Readers Block Writers

Erik Darling takes us through a scenario where readers can block writers for an extended amount of time:

To hold onto Shared locks, you’d need to use an isolation level escalation hint, like REPEATABLE READ.

I could do that here if I were a lazy cheater.

Instead, I’m going to show you a more common and interesting scenario.

This leaves the classes of non-lazy cheater and a lazy non-cheater (because non-lazy non-cheater sounds batty). Regardless of your answer, great post by Erik.

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Deploying CUs to Multiple Instances with Powershell

Jeff Iannucci embraces the power of the shell:

This all started because we had some 14 new SQL Server 2017 instances that we were setting up, but we hadn’t yet applied the most recent cumulative update that we are using in our environment.  I started using the Update-DbaInstance cmdlet in the script below to apply to one server, but then I looked at the list of outstanding requests and thought about something Buck Woody once told me.

“You don’t have time for that. You’re going to be dead soon.”

He’s a fantastic fellow, but we should all be grateful he didn’t become a physician.

Click through for the five-line script and an explanation of what each line does.

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Power BI and Case Sensitivity

Chris Webb explains that Power BI is case sensitive except where it isn’t:

Case sensitivity is one of the more confusing aspects of Power BI: while the Power Query engine is case sensitive, the main Power BI engine (that means datasets, relationships, DAX etc) is case insensitive. Imke Feldmann shows how to make Power Query case insensitive through custom M here; in this blog post I’m going to concentrate on what case insensitivity means in datasets and DAX and show a way to (kind of) work around it.

Read the whole thing. Chris has a lot of great information here.

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Fun with [ as a Function in R

John Mount definitely quotes Dr. Ian Malcolm correctly in this one:

How about defining a new [-based function call notation? The ideas is: we could write sin[5] in place of sin(5), thus unifying the notations for function call and array access. Some languages do in fact have unified function call and array access (though often using “(” for both). Examples languages include Fortran and Matlab.

Let’s add R to the list of such languages.

I love the flexibility in the language, almost as much as I would enjoy taking away production rights from the person who ships this in my code base…

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An Introduction to Apache Livy

Guy Shilo explains why we should care about Apache Livy:

Apache Livy is an open source server that exposes Spark as a service. Its backend connects to a Spark cluster while the frontend enables REST API. This enables running it as the organization’s Spark gateway and even run in in docker containers.

Not only it enables running Spark jobs from anywhere, but it also enables shared Spark context and a shared RDD cache among all it’s users which is time and memory saving.

I will demonstrate here how to setup Apache Livy on one of the cluster’s nodes and on a separate server.

Click through for the demonstration.

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SQL Server on Azure: Performance Optimized Storage Config

Mine Tokus announces a new feature when using Azure to host IaaS SQL Server instances:

Today, we are excited to announce Performance Optimized Storage Configuration capabilities for the VM’s registered with SQL VM RP. This feature automates storage configuration according to performance best practices for SQL Server on Azure virtual machines through Azure Portal or Azure Quick start Templates when creating a SQL VM. Automated performance best practices include separating Data and Log filescache configuration for premium disks hosting data and log filessupport for Temp DB on local disksupport for Ultra disks to host data, log or Temp DB files and database engine only images. In this article, we will discuss each automated performance best practice in detail.

Read on for the description and check out those links for additional information.

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Multi-Parent Hierarchies in Power BI

Imke Feldmann has another way to solve the multi-parent problem in Power BI:

If you have parent-child-hierarchy with multiple parents, my function will a table like below, where the children with multiple parents still reside in different rows:

Due to this, the table cannot directly be connected with the FactTable, as NodeKey is not unique. Solution is to create DimNode-table that contains only unique values from the NodeKeys. Use it as a bridge between the 2 tables and implement a bidirectional filter to the Nodes-table:

Read on for the complete answer and to grab a copy of the PBIX file.

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A Stored Procedure to Check for Agent Job Completion

Brian Hansen has a stored procedure which can help you synchronize those asynchronous SQL Agent job calls:

This is a stored procedure that I have found useful in a number of circumstances. It came into being because there are times that I need to run a job via T-SQL and wait for it to complete before continuing the script. The problem is that sp_start_job does just what it says: it starts the job and then immediately continues. There is no option to wait for it to finish.

I needed some way to pause script execution pending the completion (hopefully successfully) of the job.

One important note: this procedure using the undocumented xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs system procedure. While this has been around for ages, it is unsupported. I get why may bother some, but this procedure is the only way that I know of to reliably determine the current run status of a job.

Read on to learn more about the procedure and grab a copy.

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