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Author: Kevin Feasel

Trimming Characters with Power Query

Imke Feldmann shows off an optional parameter with Text.TrimStart() and Text.TrimEnd() in Power Query:

When cleaning dirty data, you might have used the Trim-function (Text.TrimStart or Text.TrimEnd) to delete leading or trailing whitespace from your strings. However, did you know that you could use these functions as well to delete any other characters as well from the start or end of a string? Trimming text with custom characters is pretty straightforward:

Interesting that it does not take a regular expression but rather a list of characters.

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Ensuring Ordering of Kafka Data

Zeke Dean takes us through an explanation of Kafka partitioning and message delivery behaviors:

Apache Kafka provides developers with a uniquely powerful, open source and versatile distributed streaming platform – but it also has some rather complex nuances to understand when trying to store and retrieve data in your preferred order.

Kafka captures streaming data by publishing records to a category or feed name called a topic. Kafka consumers can then subscribe to topics to retrieve that data. For each topic, the Kafka cluster creates and updates a partitioned log. Kafka send all messages from a particular producer to the same partition, storing each message in the order it arrives. Partitions therefore function as a structure commit log, containing sequences of records that are both ordered and immutable.

Click through for the explanation.

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Evaluating Regression Models in Azure ML

Dan Fitton continues a series on model evaluation with Azure Machine Learning:

The initial go-to metric for understanding a regression model is the R squared (or R2) value, also known as the coefficient of determination. R squared measures how well the model is fitted to the data – the goodness of fit. It indicates how much of the variation of y (the target) is explained by the variation in x (the features).

The measures are bog standard if you’ve worked with regressions before, and Dan does a good job explaining them.

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Issue with PolyBase and Cosmos DB

I found an issue with connecting to Cosmos DB from PolyBase after installing SQL Server 2019 CU2:

After upgrading to SQL Server 2019 CU2, I noticed some issues when trying to connect to a Cosmos DB collection via PolyBase. Specifically, I started getting the following error message:

Msg 105082, Level 16, State 1, Line 35
105082;Generic ODBC error: [Microsoft][MongoDBODBC] (110) Error from MongoDB Client: Server at <<my Cosmos account name>> reports wire version 2, but this version of libmongoc requires at least 3 (MongoDB 3.0) (Error Code: 15) Additional error <2>: ErrorMsg: [Microsoft][MongoDBODBC] (110) Error from MongoDB Client: Server at <<my Cosmos account name>> reports wire version 2, but this version of libmongoc requires at least 3 (MongoDB 3.0) (Error Code: 15), SqlState: HY000, NativeError: 110 .

Read on for a couple attempts at a solution and some more detail.

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Cosmos DB Changes

Hasan Savran hits on a few changes to Cosmos DB:

Free Tier of Cosmos DB
     Couple of big changes came from Azure Cosmos Db team this week. First one is, free tier of Cosmos DB. In free tier, you get the first 400 Request Units and 5 GB of storage for free for the lifetime of the account. This is a great deal if you like to use Azure Cosmos DB in your new project. Give it a try, It’s free! All you need to do is click on Apply for Apply Free Tier Discount.

This is a big one, but there are a few other interesting changes in there as well.

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Fun with Deadlocks

Jana Sattainathan diagnoses a deadlocking issue:

We know what deadlocks are and some of the common reasons they happen. If you need a refresher, I recommend this good article. I am not going to rehash what has already been said although these high level points are worth noting to resolve them:

1) Examine known Parallelism (where you have parallelized jobs)
2) Examine unknown Parallelism (unknown jobs or users interfere with your jobs in parallel)
3) Arrange order of tables doing DML to be the same across all code. E.g., Always Customers first, Orders second, OrderDetails third.
4) Examine the indexes on the affected tables to eliminate full-table scans
5) Reduce the amount of time spent in a transaction
6) Update in chunks especially if updating/deleting across sessions
7) Avoid RBAR (Row By Agonizing Row) CRUD operations! Do statement based mass changes.

Read on to understand Jana’s situation and solution.

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Transforming JSON to CSV with Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev shows how you can use the Flatten task in Azure Data Factory to convert JSON text to CSV:

What this new task does it helps to transform/transpose/flatten your JSON structure into a denormalized flatten datasets that you can upload into a new or existing flat database table. 

I like the analogy of the Transpose function in Excel that helps to rotate your vertical set of data pairs (name : value) into a table with the column names and values for corresponding objects. And when this vertical JSON structural set contains several similar sets (array) then ADF Mapping Data Flows Flatten does a really good job by transforming it into a table with several rows (records).

Click through for a demonstration.

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Distributed Model Training with Dask and SciKit-Learn

Matthieu Lamairesse shows us how we can use Dask to perform distributed ML model training:

Dask is an open-source parallel computing framework written natively in Python (initially released 2014). It has a significant following and support largely due to its good integration with the popular Python ML ecosystem triumvirate that is NumPy, Pandas and Scikit-learn. 

Why Dask over other distributed machine learning frameworks? 

In the context of this article it’s about Dask’s tight integration with Sckit-learn’s JobLib parallel computing library that allows us to distribute Scikit-learn code with (almost) no code change, making it a very interesting framework to accelerate ML training. 

Click through for an interesting article and an example of using this on Cloudera’s ML platform.

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