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Author: Kevin Feasel

Automatic Soft NUMA in SQL Server

Ameena Lalani walks us through NUMA and automatic soft NUMA in SQL Server:

Modern processors have multiple cores per socket. Each socket is represented, usually, as a single NUMA node. The SQL Server database engine partitions various internal structures and partitions service threads per NUMA node. With processors containing 10 or more cores per socket, using software NUMA to split hardware NUMA nodes generally increases scalability and performance. Prior to SQL Server 2014 (12.x) SP2, software-based NUMA (soft-NUMA) required you to edit the registry to add a node configuration affinity mask, and was configured at the host level, rather than per instance. Starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x) SP2 and SQL Server 2016 (13.x), soft-NUMA is configured automatically at the database-instance level when the SQL Server Database Engine service starts. Please read this  documentation and this documentation for more understanding.

Read on for more info.

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Operational Database Security in Cloudera Data Platform

Liliana Kadar, et al, walk us through some of the database security and auditing features in Cloudera Data Platform:

Database object-level security is available through the centralized authorization framework of Apache Ranger. 

Both fine-grained access control of database objects and access to metadata is provided. Protected database objects include: database, table, column, view and User Defined Functions (UDFs). 

Fine-grained access control for special administrative operations that can be performed on OpDBMS is also supported. 

Click through for the full story.

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Key Metrics for Kafka Monitoring

Preetdeep Kumar shares three metrics which are important for monitoring Kafka clusters:

There are 100s of metrics documented as part of Kafka monitoring out of which CPU, Memory, Disk, and Network related metrics are always useful in monitoring any systems. In this article, I share 3 metrics that I found to be very useful from a development point of view, saved us some time while triaging a few corner cases reported by customers.

Click through for those measures.

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Configuration Advice for Using EF Core with Azure SQL DB

Erik Ejlskov Jensen has some advice if you’re using Entity Framework Core with Azure SQL Databases:

If you are connecting from .NET Framework with EF Core 2.x, use .NET 4.6.2 or later. If there are connection errors with this version or newer, the client will retry immediately, and handle transient connection errors gracefully.

If you are using EF Core 3.x, update to 3.1.7 or newer to take advantage of bug fixes in the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient dependency, that has been updated to version 1.1.3. For older EF Core versions, you can opt-in to a newer version (ever 2.0.0 or higher) as described in my blog post.

If you are using EF Core 5, you get the version 2.0.1. Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, which includes advanced Azure Active Directory authentication options.

Click through for more tips, including how to set up automated retry of commands.

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Azure SQL Managed Instance Updates

Borko Novakovic gives us a rundown of improvements to Azure SQL Managed Instances:

Azure SQL Managed Instance provide management operations that you can use to automatically deploy new managed instances, update instance properties, and delete instances when no longer needed. Most of the management operations in SQL Managed Instance are long-running but until now it was not possible for customers to get detailed information about operation status and progress in an easy and transparent way.
Through the introduction of a new CRUD API, the SQL Managed Instance resource is now visible from when the create request is submitted. In addition, the new OPERATIONS API adds the ability to monitor management operations, see operation steps, and take dependent actions based on operation progress.
Check out this blog post to learn how to effectively utilize new APIs in real-word scenarios.

If this product potentially fits your needs, also check out Vladimir Ivanovic’s post on performance improvements:

Previously, the tempdb I/O operations were governed as part of the instance log rate cap (which used to be configured to 22 MB/s for General Purpose and 48 MB/s for Business Critical). With this set of improvements, tempdb I/O operations are no longer governed as part of the instance log rate cap, allowing for a significantly higher tempdb I/O rates.

The improved tempdb performance will greatly improve the speed of tempdb-bound operations, such as running queries with large sorts/spills, or data loading through tempdb.

It looks like they’ve upped the caps on several storage-related limits for no extra charge.

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Discovering MrbMiner

Randolph West gives us the low-down on some malware:

Tencent Security has released a report (written in Chinese) describing a new malware attack by the name of “MrbMiner” on SQL Server instances exposed to the Internet with passwords that can be brute-forced.

According to the report it installs an application written in C# by the name of assm.exe which communicates with a command-and-control server to download a digital coin mining tool, which may be disguised as various Windows system services. The malware uses several techniques to ensure that it sticks around.

Randolph has some more advice on how to determine if it is on one of your servers.

One quick thing I’d like to point out is that this is not a flaw within SQL Server; it only infects a machine which has a username and password it can guess.

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Power BI Premium Per-User Licensing

John White has some thoughts on a big announcement at Ignite:

The new Premium per user (PPU) license promises to solve this problem. Premium per user will be a new license that will include all of the capabilities of the Pro license, but will also include almost all of the features available in Premium. It will NOT include unlimited sharing. Users with this license will be able to publish content to a PPU workspace, and that content can be consumed by other users that have a PPU license.

The next question is of course going to be “great, so how much is it?”. Therein lies the rub.

This is why I’m interested, but not yet excited. I’d expect it to be more than $10 per user per month, as otherwise nobody would get a Pro SKU. But where, exactly, it lands above that is the key question. The number $50 per user per month comes to mind—the idea being that you save money up to 100 users, after which point it makes sense to switch to the fixed-price licensing. We’ll see what the real number looks like once they announce it.

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Shipping Jupyter Books to the ADS Marketplace

Emanuele Meazzo shows one good use of the Azure Data Studio Extension Generator:

The recently released Extension Generator for Azure Data Studio has opened up yet another way to ship Notebooks and Books to ADS allowing you to easily author your extensions.

In my previous post I’ve detailed how you can now access a Book remotely, now, if you want the book to be actually installed in your ADS instance, you can install it as an extension!

It looks like the process isn’t entirely smoothed out yet, but they’re working on it.

Meanwhile, you can also check out Emanuele’s post on how to get the SQL Server Diagnostic Book as an extension.

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Random Numbers in R: Parallel Processing Edition

Henrik Bengtsson takes us through an interesting issue:

R does a superb job of taking care of us when it comes to random number generation – as long as we run our analysis sequentially in a single R process. Formally R uses the Mersenne Twister RNG algorithm [1] by default, which can we can set explicitly using RNGkind("Mersenne-Twister"). However, like many other RNG algorithms, the authors designed this one for generating random number sequentially but not in parallel. If we use it in parallel code, there is a risk that there will a correlation between the random numbers generated in parallel, and, when taken together, they may no longer be “random enough” for our needs.

The post covers how the future package has your back when it comes to random numbers. H/T R-Bloggers.

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