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Author: Kevin Feasel

Test Those Backups

Kevin Chant comes at us with important advice:

In reality, not being able to restore a database can damage your company’s reputation and you can end up losing colleagues for various reasons. For example, if they ask for restores to be tested and it never happens.

To save your colleagues from a database restore nightmare you must test restoring your database backups at some level. Otherwise, it can lead to serious issues.

As the saying goes, you don’t have a backup until you’ve successfully restored it.

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Application Names and Database Queries

Tom Zika does not like those missing application names:

Whenever I’m trying to debug a problem using sp_whoisactive or Extended Events (XE) and I see either Core Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider or .Net SqlClient Data Provider, my blood begins to boil.

It means I’ll probably spend hours asking around to try and find the owner. Sometimes knowing the host_name helps, but there can be a multi-purpose host that runs many applications – which one is having the problem?

How do you set the name? Read the post to find out.

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Another Knock against OFFSET/FETCH

Erik Darling won’t play fetch:

The two methods we’re going to look at are OFFSET/FETCH and a more traditional ROW_NUMBER query.

As you may have picked up from the title, one will turn out better, and it’s not the OFFSET/FETCH variety. Especially as you get larger, or go deeper into results, it becomes a real boat anchor.

Click through for the details.

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Database Project Versioning and Identification

Eitan Blumin answers an important question:

“What is SSDT“, you ask? Oh, you didn’t? Well, let me tell you anyway! SSDT is the go-to solution from Microsoft for versioning SQL Server databases and performing state-based deployments (and it’s free!). It has many useful capabilities for developing and publishing changes from your SQL Database project to your SQL Database in production (or wherever).

One of the things that are not so clear about SSDT specifically and database versioning in general, is how should one identify which “version” of your database project was last deployed to your server?

Eitan includes several ways of tracking and controlling database versions.

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Join Removal Due to Foreign Key Constraint

David Alcock shows a performance benefit from having a foreign key constraint in place:

Foreign keys are used in database design to enforce referential integrity but they also have some performance benefits as well that you might not necessarily notice unless you’re looking into your execution plans.

Let’s take the following query using the AdventureWorks2019 sample database where I’m selecting the BusinessEntityID and JobTitle from the HumanResources.Employee table and by using an inner join I’m only returning rows that have matching values (BusinessEntityID) in both tables:

There are specific rules to table elimination but if you meet the criteria, it can save you a bit of CPU time and I/O.

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Gateways and the CPU Cost of Power BI Dataset Refresh

Chris Webb continues experimenting:

After last week’s post on measuring Power Query CPU usage during dataset refresh, someone asked an obvious question that I should have addressed: does using a gateway change anything? After all, if you’re using a gateway to connect to an on-premises data source then all the Power Query queries transforming the data from that source will be executed on the gateway machine and not in the Power BI Service.

Let’s do a quick test to find out. 

Read on to see what Chris found out.

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Working with Objects in Powershell

Jeffrey Hicks explains the value of working with objects in Powershell:

I expect I will write several articles about PowerShell and its relationship with objects. I know that this is the biggest hurdle for PowerShell beginners to overcome. But once they grasp that PowerShell is about working with objects in the pipeline, they recognize the value and begin finding it easier to write PowerShell code and use it interactively at a console prompt.

Read the whole thing and if you like what you see, there’s also a Substack where you can sign up for free or subscribe for additional content.

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Uploading Multiple Reports to Power BI

Jon Fletcher doesn’t have time to upload reports one by one with the UI:

In this blog post, I will be sharing a PowerShell script that allows multiple Power BI reports to be uploaded at once. In a previous blogpost, I shared a PowerShell script that allowed users to downloaded multiple Power BI reports. Combined you could move several reports from one workspace to another in a few seconds.

The script is downloadable at the bottom of the page as a txt file. To use the script there are three steps to take.

Click through to see how it all works.

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Searching Industry Templates for Lake Databases in Synapse

Lakshmi Murthy is just browsing:

With Azure Synapse Database Templates generally available, our customers are constantly wanting to see and learn more about how to use these templates. Through these blogs we want to share tips and tricks our customers can use to help them utilize these templates in an efficient way. We’ve recently received several questions around the different ways a user can navigate these templates to create their lake databases. In this blog, I’d like to walk through a few options that may come handy as you give database templates a try.

Azure Synapse Analytics offers a no-code database designer which allows you to browse these database templates, select and customize the tables you want to use, to model your enterprise data. There are several ways to browse the tables provided by the comprehensive industry templates within the designer’s exploration experience. Though the user experience is super intuitive, there are a few tips and tricks that can make this process even easier. Let’s do a quick tour to learn about the different ways to browse these templates.

Click through for a few different ways to look at standard tables for different industries.

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Filtered Statistics and Table Performance

Guy Glantser provides a use case for filtered statistics:

Let’s say you have a very large table on a SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition instance. This means: old cardinality estimator and no partitioning. The table has a DATETIME column, which is ever-increasing, and it contains 5 years of data (it has to, due to regulations). The auto-update statistics kicks in only every 4 days, more or less, even when trace flag 2371 is enabled. The problem is that users usually query the table for the last day, and only rarely need to access older data. Since auto-update statistics uses a very small sample rate for very large tables, the result is not very accurate. The bottom line of all this is that most of the time you get a poor execution plan, because the optimizer estimates very few rows, while in fact there are many rows. What can you do?

I’m not sure I’ve ever used filtered statistics but it is good to know such a thing exists.

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