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Author: Kevin Feasel

Indexing JSON

Jovan Popovic answers a question which has been on my mind:  how are we supposed to index JSON data in SQL Server 2016?

In this post I will show how you can add indexes on JSON properties in product catalog. In SQL Server 2016, you can use two type of indexes on JSON text:

  1. Index on computed column that index some specific properties in JSON.
  2. Full text search index that can index all key:value pairs in JSON objects.

This is the downside to JSON not being an official type:  indexing is somewhat limited.  In comparison, you could create XML indexes which were specially-designed to do the job of searching for text within an XML field.

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Transaction Log Is Full

Andy Galbraith diagnoses an “ACTIVE_BACKUP_OR_RESTORE” issue:

The way FULL backups work in SQL Server, the transaction log is not released for re-use during a FULL backup, even if regular LOG backups are occurring or the database is in SIMPLE recovery.  This is due to the fact that the portion of the LOG that is used during the FULL has to be persisted during the FULL in order to be backed up at the end of the FULL – that is, the FULL backup includes the data at the start of the FULL (23:30) *plus* the LOG used until the end of the FULL (in the case of the 12/04-12/05 backup, the LOG used from 23:30 to 07:11).  This is the meaning of the ACTIVE_BACKUP_OR_RESTORE message – the LOG is waiting for the end of the active FULL backup before it can be released for re-use, which in this case was causing the LOG/LDF file to grow to fill its mount point.

This is interesting analysis and a reminder that even though you’re in Simple recovery mode, SQL Server still uses a transaction log and it’s just as important.

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Parameterizing Procedures

Monica Rathbun shows how to combine several report queries:

I try to parameterize as many stored procedures as possible. This not only minimizes the amount of procedures I need to maintain, it in my opinion is a much cleaner way to code. It disturbs me when I see multiple stored procedures that pull the exact same data, but may have slight differences between them. Whether it be a sort, a where clause, or even just an extra field or two that makes it different, some developers think you need a different procedure for each one . Why not consolidate and parameterize?

The next step might be using dynamic SQL to build a query if there’s as much overlap as we see in Monica’s example.

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Network Load Testing

Tim Radney uses iperf to perform network load testing:

Poor network performance can be a silent killer for application performance and my personal experience has shown this to be the case on many occasions. Often an application would start having performance issues and the application engineer would say that the application server looks good and starts to point their finger at the database. I would get a call to look at the database server and all indications showed that the database server was in good health (and this is where monitoring for key performance indicators and having a baseline helps!). Since the application and database teams were saying everything was good, we would ask the network team to check things out. The network team would look at a few things and give the all clear on their side as well. Each team troubleshooting and reviewing their respective systems took time, meanwhile the application performance was still suffering. The issue would then get escalated until all the teams would be asked to join a conference bridge to troubleshoot together. Eventually someone would start a deeper network test and determine that we either had a port saturation, routing, or some other complex networking issue. A few clicks or changing something on their end would eventually resolve the application slowness.

iperf is a nice tool for checking to see if your network throughput looks reasonable.

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Sentiment Analysis

Dustin Ryan and Patrick Leblanc used Azure ML and Power BI to do sentiment analysis:

Using Azure ML and a free subscription to the Text Analytics API, I’m going to show you how to perform sentiment analysis and key phrase extraction on tweets with the hashtag #Colts (after this past Sunday’s 51-16 beat down of the Colts at the hands of the Jacksonville Jaguars, I’m bathing in the tears of Colts fans. Watch the highlights! ). Although my example here is somewhat humorous, the steps can be used to perform sentiment analysis and key phrase extraction on any text data as long as you can get the data into Power Query.

This is a fantastic example of how Azure ML can be used.  Read the whole thing.

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Powershell To Modify Team Foundation Version Control

Kevin Eckart makes use of TFS commands to maintain source:

In our environment, changes made in the Test branch have to travel through the Main branch and into the Release branch to be deployed into production. Sometimes changes need to move through quickly without regard to other changes, especially in an environment where there may be a single coder. Note: the following code will merge all checked in code regardless of who checked it in. Be careful in multi-coder environments.

This is your daily public service announcement saying that if you don’t have your database code in source control, you really should get your database code into source control.

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Incrementing All Sequences

Mark Broadbent had to increment all of his sequences by 10,000.  Here’s how he did it:

The only problem with this approach is that our database was configured (rightly or wrongly) with approximately 250 sequences! Since we could not be sure which sequences would ultimately cause us problems we decided to increment each one by 10,000.

Not being someone who likes performing monotonous tasks and also recognising the fact that this task would probably need to be performed again in the future I decided to attempt to programmatically solve this problem.

The script isn’t too difficult to understand but let me reiterate his warning:  read the script before you run it, and know exactly what it’s doing before you run it.

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Niko Neugebauer talks about the Columnstore Indexed Scripts Library:

Around 3.5 Months ago in September of 2015, I have announced the first public release of the CISL – Columnstore Indexes Scripts Library, which allows to have a deeper insight into the database that uses or can use Columnstore Indexes.
Since that, I have released 4 more “point releases” with bug fixes and new features, I have greatly expanded the support of SQL Server with inclusion of SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQLDatabase.

If you use columnstore indexes, you absolutely want to get this.  Also, there’s a brand new update out.

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Finding Login Permissions

Andy Galbraith has a new permissions script:

I recently was tasked with this ticket:

Please add new login Domain\Bob to server MyServer.  Grant the login the same permissions as Domain\Mary.

On the face of it, this seems relatively straightforward, right?  It is the kind of request that we all get from time to time, whether as an ad-hoc task or as part of a larger project, such as a migration.

The catch of course is that it isn’t that easy – how do you know what permissions Mary has?

Andy’s script looks good.  For bonus points, compare it to fn_my_permissions.

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