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Author: Kevin Feasel

Looking For SQL Saturday Sessions

Wayne Sheffield has a Powershell cmdlet to find sessions matching SQL Saturday topics:

The output to the screen is the Event #, Speaker, Session Title and URL for the presentation.

The generated export file will also include the event name and session abstract. Additionally, the URL will be encased with the Excel HYPERLINK() function. When the export file is opened up with Excel, clicking the URL will open your browser to the session information, where the presentation material can be downloaded.

I hope that you get a lot of use out of this script.

Click through for the script and more details.

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Ambari And Active Directory

Jon Morisi documents his efforts in getting Ambari to play nicely with Active Directory over Kerberos:

You then need to trust the certificate on all the linux hosts
From the IBM article:

  1. Create ‘/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/activedirectory.pem’ and paste the certificate contents

  2. Trust CA cert: sudo update-ca-trust enable; sudo update-ca-trust extract; sudo update-ca-trust check

  3. Trust CA cert in Java:

  4. mycert=/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/activedirectory.pem sudo keytool -importcert -noprompt -storepass changeit -file ${mycert} -alias ad -keystore /etc/pki/java/cacerts

  5. And at last, please make sure every node on your cluster has access to the ad host.

LDAP support is a key part of setting up a production Hadoop cluster.

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Chaos Sloth

Erik Darling has created a script to make your servers go slow:

It randomly generates values and changes some important configuration settings.

  • Max Degree of Parallelism
  • Cost Threshold
  • Max Memory
  • Database compatibility level

This was written for SQL Server 2016, on a box that had 384 GB of RAM. If your specs don’t line up, you may have to change the seed values here. I’m not putting any more development into this thing to automatically detect SQL version or memory in the server, because this was a one-off joke script to see how bad things could get.

How bad did they get? The server crashed multiple times.

Not for production purposes.  Or maybe any purposes…

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Try-Catch Blocks

Dave Mason discusses a major problem with try-catch blocks:

We didn’t just lose one error. We lost them all! DBCC CHECKDB on a corrupt database just came back “clean” and the CATCH block never executed. We’ve moved into dangerous territory now. This is no longer an inconvenience or an annoyance. This could lead to data loss, financial harm to your company, maybe even some risk to your career.

Dave promises a better approach in his next post.

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Table Heatmaps

Devin Knight continues his Power BI custom visuals series:

  • In the Table Heatmap the color of the boxes is determined by the value in your measure.

  • Only 1 category field can be used, which will dynamically generate the number of columns based on the number of distinct values your field has.

  • The number and types of colors can be changed using some of the settings we’ll discuss below.

I can see the table heatmap being a good visual for calendars.

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Spark At Scale

Sital Kedia, Shuojie Wang, and Avery Ching have an example of how Facebook uses (and has improved) Spark for their ranking system:

Debugging at full scale can be slow, challenging, and resource intensive. We started off by converting the most resource intensive part of the Hive-based pipeline: stage two. We started with a sample of 50 GB of compressed input, then gradually scaled up to 300 GB, 1 TB, and then 20 TB. At each size increment, we resolved performance and stability issues, but experimenting with 20 TB is where we found our largest opportunity for improvement.

While running on 20 TB of input, we discovered that we were generating too many output files (each sized around 100 MB) due to the large number of tasks. Three out of 10 hours of job runtime were spent moving files from the staging directory to the final directory in HDFS. Initially, we considered two options: Either improve batch renaming in HDFS to support our use case, or configure Spark to generate fewer output files (difficult due to the large number of tasks — 70,000 — in this stage). We stepped back from the problem and considered a third alternative. Since the tmp_table2 table we generate in step two of the pipeline is temporary and used only to store the pipeline’s intermediate output, we were essentially compressing, serializing, and replicating three copies for a single read workload with terabytes of data. Instead, we went a step further: Remove the two temporary tables and combine all three Hive stages into a single Spark job that reads 60 TB of compressed data and performs a 90 TB shuffle and sort.

Maybe it’s just a mindset thing, but the part that impressed me was the number of pull requests for system improvements (and the number which were accepted).

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Deleting From Heaps

Uwe Ricken discusses a downside to leaving an active table as a heap:

The simplest way of removing empty data pages from a heap is via the exclusive locking of the table. But keep in mind that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Blocking the table from other processes will lead to a system that will not scale. As long as the DELETE process locks the table, no other process can access the table. The only exception is the “SNAPSHOT ISOLATION” but explaining the pros and cons of this technique is outside the scope of this article.

The next example (with the new created table) demonstrates the behavior.

The section on lock escalation was rather interesting.

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Pattern Matching

Aaron Bertrand has an article on performance testing various pattern matching techniques:

I wanted to prove to myself that the above procedure was undeniably better overall for all possible searches than any of the queries that use ORconditionals, regardless of whether they use LIKE, LEFT/RIGHT, SUBSTRING, or CHARINDEX. I took David’s basic query structures and put them in stored procedures (with the caveat that I can’t really test “contains” without his input, and that I had to make his OR logic a little more flexible to get the same number of rows), along with a version of my logic. I also planned to test the procedures with and without an index I would create on the search column, and under both a warm and a cold cache.

The conclusion is ambiguous.  Read on for the full story.

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Big Play Alerts

Allison Tharp has a Python script to track extremely important events:

First, we get the game data for the game we want.  In this instance, I am getting game data for the Indianapolis vs Cincinnati game in the 4th week of the 2016 preseason and setting it to the variable g.  Next, we will get the current number of scoring plays (scores0), number of home/away team turnovers (home/awayto0), number of home/away penalties (home/awaypenalty0), and finally, the number of yards that resulted from home/away penalties (home/awaypenyds0).

The rest of the script runs while the game is still in progress.  To check if the game is in progress, we use g.game_over().  If this object is False, the game is ongoing:

I did not know about the nflgame module and I think my life has just become better as a result of learning about this.

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Ewald Cress discusses superlatch promotion:

There are quite a few pieces of machinery that are involved in our little drama. First, I’ll introduce some instance-global settings:

  • A flag that controls whether latch promotion is enabled at all. Although I don’t have any information about this, let’s assume that it will be enabled on any system that “warrants it”.
  • A flag that controls whether cycle-based promotion is enabled. Again, I can’t currently tell you what determines this setting.
  • sm_promotionThreshold, the current calculated cycle-based promotion threshold described in Part 3.
  • sm_promotionUpperBoundCpuTicks, used as a ceiling value to prevent outliers from skewing stats. As described in Part 3, this is simply sm_promotionThreshold * 5.
  • Trace flag 844, which lowers the threshold for non-cycle-based promotions.
  • Trace flag 827, which causes each latch promotion to be noted in the SQL Server log (“Latch promotion, page %u:%u in database %u, objid %u.”)

Assume that the first flag is set on our system of interest, otherwise promotions won’t happen and we have nothing to talk about.

Read the whole thing.

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