Niko Neugebauer introduces a new feature in SQL Server 2017:
After multiple executions, the first process (Resumable Online Index Rebuild) on the average took 65.8 seconds, while the second one (a simple online) took only 60.8 seconds, representing 8% of the improvement of the overall performance. I can’t say if it looks acceptable to you or not, but for me this is something I will be definitely considering to be as an advantage for the cases where the resumable process is needed.
I decided to run a test on much bigger table, the lineitem which for 10GB TPCH database contains 60 Million Rows. My expectation here was to see if the percentage would stay the same or will jump to a whole new level (please make sure that you do execute the following script at least a couple of times, to get the real results and not the results of your disk-drive prefetching :)):
The big table example result was somewhat surprising. Niko is his normal, informative self, so definitely read the whole thing.