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Using the Excel Solver with Power Pivot

Chris Webb remembers a few functions:

After years of meaning to learn how to use Excel Solver, this week I’ve finally made a start: I want to use it to work out the optimal way of distributing workspaces across capacities in a Fabric tenant from the point of view of CU usage. I’m a long way from knowing how to do this properly (I’ll blog about it when I’m ready) but one of the first things I found is that while there are lots of resources on the internet showing how to use Solver, there are no examples of how to use Solver when your source data is stored in the Excel Data Model, aka Power Pivot. Getting that data onto the worksheet is fairly straightforward, but what if you also need Solver to change how that data is sliced and diced? It turns out that not hard to do if you know how to use cube functions.

Read on to see what Chris means and how you can send data from the Excel Data Model into the Solver.

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