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Brownfield Data Modeling

Jared Westover discusses a common trade-off:

Some decisions in life are easy, like whether to drink that second cup of coffee. But when it comes to databases, things get complicated fast. Developers often seek my input on adding tables and columns. A common question arises: Should they create a new table or expand an existing one by adding columns? This decision can be tricky because it depends on several factors, including query performance, future growth, and the complexity of implementing either solution. While adding one or two columns to an existing table may seem the easiest option, is it the best long-term solution? In this article, we look at whether it is better to add new columns versus a new table in SQL Server.

As an architectural pro-tip, when you’re looking to add a new column to an existing table, ask yourself if the new attribute you want to add actually relates to the natural key of the existing table. In Jared’s example, the natural key for video game tracker is presumably video game ID (which itself ties back to, presumably, the video game title, developer, console, and release date) and start date. Does a book actually relate to a video game and start date? No, it does not. Therefore, this book attribute does not belong on the video game tracker table.

When you dig deeper into Boyce-Codd Normal Form, you figure out that “relates to” in the prior paragraph translates to “has a functional dependency upon,” but using non-technical language for people not familiar with normalization, you can still get to the same conclusion, because ultimately, 95% of database normalization is common sense that we strenuously apply to a business domain.

And most of the time, the developer knows that this feels weird, but doesn’t want to spend the extra time doing it the best way and instead tries to do it the expedient way. This is where the role of the architect as politician comes in, and we gently guide people to the right conclusion. Or just tell them to put on their big boy britches and do it right. Either way.