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Tablespaces in Oracle and PostgreSQL

Umair Shahid explains how tablespaces work in Oracle and PostgreSQL:

Tablespaces play an important role in database management systems, as they determine where and how database objects like tables and indexes are stored. Both Oracle and PostgreSQL have the concept of tablespaces, but they implement them differently based on the overall architecture of each database.

Oracle’s tablespaces are an integral part of the database that provide various functionalities, including separating data types, managing storage, and optimizing performance. PostgreSQL, on the other hand, takes a more simplified approach, using tablespaces primarily to control where physical files are stored.

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between Oracle and PostgreSQL tablespaces, covering their architecture, creation, and practical use cases, with the goal of helping DBAs better understand their capabilities and limitations

Read on to learn more about how tablespaces work in each platform and how they differ.

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