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Eliminating Unexpected Whitespace or Null Characters in Columns

Kevin Wilkie has fun with an unexpected character:

The query ran just fine so I happily completed my work for the day. I sent it to my QA team and had them check it out before pushing it to Production. They sent it back with a note saying “We expect a lot more “Insert Garbage Data Here” to show.

Being a good data developer – or someone who just wants to show QA up (take your pick) – decided to dig deep into what FieldName really shows. I found a lot of the following:

In Kevin’s case, he tried to use TRIM() and it didn’t fix anything. That’s because TRIM(), by default, only removes the space character (up to the first non-space character), not all whitespace and not the null character CHAR(0) that Kevin found.

An alternative version of TRIM() that would have worked in this case, plus adding in tabstops as well, would be:

    TRIM(' '+char(0)+char(9) FROM FieldName) AS TrimmedFieldName
FROM dbo.SomeTable;

And you could also extend that to include newlines, line feeds, vertical tabs, the line separator character, and whatever else you need.