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Day: March 14, 2025

Deleting a Topic in Apache Kafka

Staff writers in the Confluent writing mines perform a deletion:

Can you delete a topic in Apache Kafka®The answer is yes—but the process depends on your Kafka configuration and the environment in which you are working (i.e., if it is self-managed, hosted in the cloud, or a fully managed Kafka service like Confluent Cloud).

Read on to see how you can do so, as well as some recommendations around deletion and topic management.

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Building a Top N Analysis in Power BI

Hamza Boubou builds a dynamic report:

There was a requirement from my client that seemed simple at first but turned out to be a Trojan horse after deeper investigation. The goal was to create a Power BI Time Comparisons Top N Analysis page, giving users complete control over the Top/Bottom N products based on multiple metrics. Users needed to define the period, compare it with other periods, and adjust the N parameter dynamically.

Read on to see how Hamza was able to solve this customer request.

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Reviewing Azure SQL DB Internals for Hints at SQL Server 2025

Brent Ozar does some digging:

Microsoft staff used to say that Azure SQL DB is “the next version” of the boxed product, meaning that Microsoft tested, tweaked, and proved new features in the cloud while they could still rapidly iterate over code, shipping updates to make the product more reliable and scalable. In practice, that’s not entirely true: some things never leave the cloud, and some things actually ship to SQL Server long before they’re available up in Azure SQL DB.

Today, we’re going to go through documented & undocumented system objects that are available up in the cloud today (March 2025), but keep in mind that some of these may be cloud-only. I’m just dumping out the list of Azure SQL DB objects that aren’t present in SQL Server 2022 CU17.

Read on for those sets, with the caveat that not all of this may necessarily be in SQL Server 2025.

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Spatial Queries in Fabric Data Warehouse

Jovan Popvic reads a map:

Spatial data has become increasingly important in various fields, from urban planning and environmental monitoring to transportation and logistics. Fabric Data Warehouse offers spatial functionalities that enable you to query and analyze spatial data efficiently.

In this blog post, we will delve into the spatial capabilities in the Fabric Data Warehouse and demonstrate how to use the spatial functions in your queries.

This looks a bit like the way we perform spatial operations in SQL Server. Jovan shows off some examples of functionality, so check that out.

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Lukas Eder merges lanes:

It’s not unreasonable to expect these two statements to produce the same execution plan on most RDBMS, given that they’re logically equivalent. Since we’ve grown used to reading things from left to right and top to bottom, I don’t think RIGHT JOIN will become more popular any time soon.

There is, however, one place in the SQL language where RIGHT JOIN is surprisingly ubiquitous!

Read on to see how the MERGE operator includes as part of its operations the equivalent of a RIGHT OUTER JOIN. MERGE in SQL Server had justifiably built a bad reputation in its early years, but it’s surprisingly okay nowadays, with most of the bugs being fixed over time.

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