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Thoughts on Dogma and Power BI

Eugene Meidinger wants you to leave Plato’s cave:

I continue to be really frustrated about the dogmatic approach to Power BI. Best practices become religion, not to be questioned or elaborated on. Only to be followed. And you start to end up with these 10 Power BI modeling commandments:

Click through for those ten, followed by a valuable rant. This one’s a challenge for me because I understand where Eugene is going and agree. But there exists a fairly large subset of the population for whom Power BI (or whatever) isn’t a core part of the job and these people simply want an answer in order to complete a task and move on, not to gain a deeper understanding of the product. And it can be a challenge to differentiate these people from the people who would benefit from the more detailed explanation.

In short, you can drag a man out of Plato’s cave, but you can’t make him think.