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The Use Case for Memory-Optimized tempdb Metadata

Ben Johnston takes us through a scenario:

I recently had an interesting production SQL Server issue that turned out to be very easy to fix. The fix doesn’t fit every workload or server, but for the limited use cases described below, it’s a simple configuration change. The general best practice for server level configurations is to leave things at default, unless there is a specific reason for changing the settings. This will outline a use case for using memory-optimized tempdb metadata.

This covers a very specific scenario and workload. You won’t use this on a typical server, which is why it isn’t a default setting. You will see this for very specific server workloads, those with many transactions and high temp table usage. Most systems can better use the memory for the regular workload instead of optimizing tempdb metadata, so don’t use this as a default setting for your servers.

Click through for the scenario.