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Month: December 2024

Fractional Path Performance Issues in Postgres Partitioned Tables

Andrei Lepikhov digs into an interesting finding:

While the user notices the positive aspects of technology, a developer, usually encountering limitations, shortcomings or bugs, watches the product from a completely different perspective. The same stuff happened at this time: after the publication of the comparative testing results, where Join-Order-Benchmark queries were passed on a database with and without partitions, I couldn’t push away the feeling that I had missed something. In my mind, Postgres should build a worse plan with partitions than without them. And this should not be just a bug but a technological limitation. After a second thought, I found a weak spot – queries with limits.

Read on to see what Andrei came up with.

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Azure SQL DB String Concatenation and JSON Functions

Magda Bronowska takes a look at some functionality currently available only in Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance:

Microsoft releases the classic SQL Server every couple of years, with some functionality added through regular updates. On the other hand, the SQL Server offering in Azure (Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance) receives the latest features earlier.

This post highlights some of the T-SQL functions currently available in Azure SQL but not yet in classic SQL Server. However, with the recent announcement of SQL Server 2025, this might change next year. Keep in mind that some of these functions are in preview, so their behavior might evolve as they reach general availability.

Click through for those examples.

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Running Oracle on Windows

Kellyn Gorman embraces the better part of valor:

For many DBAs, the thought of running Oracle on a Windows OS induces a collective cringe. Even for someone like me, with a career spanning both Microsoft and Oracle technologies, it’s a combination I typically avoid.

However, there are scenarios—driven by licensing, software requirements, or other factors—where deploying Oracle on Windows becomes the logical choice.

Read on for some pain points and a few tips to minimize them.

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Sending Alerts from Fabric Workspace Monitoring

Chris Webb has a new Bat-signal:

I’ve always been a big fan of using Log Analytics to analyse Power BI engine activity (I’ve blogged about it many times) and so, naturally, I was very happy when the public preview of Fabric Workspace Monitoring was announced – it gives you everything you get from Log Analytics and more, all from the comfort of your own Fabric workspace. Apart from my blog there are lots of example KQL queries out there that you can use with Log Analytics and Workspace Monitoring, for example in this repo or Sandeep Pawar’s recent post. However what is new with Workspace Monitoring is that if you store these queries in a KQL Queryset you can create alerts in Activator, so when something important happens you can be notified of it.

Read on to learn more.

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Umair Shahid goes full vacuum and you never go full vacuum:

If you have worked with PostgreSQL for a while, you have probably come across the command VACUUM FULL. At first glance, it might seem like a silver bullet for reclaiming disk space and optimizing tables. After all, who would not want to tidy things up and make their database more efficient, right?

But here is the thing: while VACUUM FULL can be useful in some situations, it is not the hero it might seem. In fact, it can cause more problems than it solves if you are not careful.

Read on to learn what it does and why it’s not always a good idea.

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Churn Analysis using Logistic Regression in Python

Daniel Calbimonte takes us through a churn analysis scenario:

This article explains how to analyze the data using Python and perform customer churn analysis to determine why customers stop using a service.

Read on for the article. If you want to dig deeper into churn analysis, I can recommend a book entitled Fighting Churn with Data. Its focus is more on categorical and numerical analysis rather than using statistical classification techniques like logistic regression to identify churn factors. That makes it easier to digest for non-statisticians, especially because most of the code is SQL.

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The Showdown: Spark vs DuckDB vs Polars in Microsoft Fabric

Miles Cole puts together a benchmark:

There’s been a lot of excitement lately about single-machine compute engines like DuckDB and Polars. With the recent release of pure Python Notebooks in Microsoft Fabric, the excitement about these lightweight native engines has risen to a new high. Out with Spark and in with the new and cool animal-themed engines— is it time to finally migrate your small and medium workloads off of Spark?

Before writing this blog post, honestly, I couldn’t have answered with anything besides a gut feeling largely based on having a confirmation bias towards Spark. With recent folks in the community posting their own benchmarks highlighting the power of these lightweight engines, I felt it was finally time to pull up my sleeves and explore whether or not I should abandon everything I know and become a DuckDB and/or Polars convert.

Read on for the method and results from several thoughtful tests.

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Using GitHub in SSMS 21

Brent Ozar ties into a Git repo:

SQL Server Management Studio v21 added native Git support, making it easier to use source control natively inside SSMS.

This feature is for developers who are already used to working with Github to manage specific object changes as they work, and who are already accustomed to Git terminologies like branches, commits, pushes, and pulls. This feature is not for DBAs who think it’s going to automatically keep your SQL Server’s object definitions inside source control for you. I totally understand why you’d want that, for sure, and I do as well, but our princess is in another castle.

Read on to see how it works. As I went through the article, my thought was that this is almost exactly the same experience as what you get with Visual Studio. And on the whole, I’d consider that a good thing, as this isn’t some implementation of 10% of the total functionality.

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Hiding Power BI Report Pages in Workspace and Org Apps

Jon Vöge hides a link:

Do you want to share Power BI Reports with End Users through an app, but hide the Page Navigation of the report?

This is especially useful if you have built-in navigation using Buttons, Sidebars or other menus in your report.

Luckily, there is a quick solution. Well, two solutions actually, depending on whether you are using Workspace Apps, or the new Organizational App item in Fabric.

Read on to see how it all works.

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Waiting for Locks in Postgres

Hubert Lubaczewski wants to make a change:

I once wrote about this problem, but given that we now have DO blocks and procedures I can make nicer, easy to use example.

Over the years there have been many improvements to how long ALTER TABLE can take. You can now (in some cases) change datatype without rewrite or add default value.

Regardless how fast the thing works, it still needs extremely heavy (though shortlived) lock: Access Exclusive.

Read on to see how you can write a SQL operation that waits for a lock and, if it does not get this lock, retries with backoff.

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