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External Data Sharing in OneLake

Jens Vestergaard shares some info about sharing some info:

At #MSIgnite Microsoft announced a new feature in Fabric that allows people from one organization to share data with people from another organization. You might ask yourself why is this even news, and rightly so. Up until last week, professionals have had to use tools like (S)FTP clients like FileZillaAzure Storage ExplorerWeTransfer or similar products in order to share data. Some of these tools are in fact hard to use and/or understand for a great number of business users – they are familiar with Windows and the Office suite and not much more. This is all to be expected, as business users in general should focus on business stuff rather than IT stuff.

Read on to see how this has changed, and an update to what I consider one of the coolest products to come out of Microsoft Fabric.