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Day: November 5, 2024

The NOT IN Operator in R

Steven Sanderson does not want these things:

In R programming, data filtering and manipulation are needed skills for any developer. One of the most useful operations you’ll frequently encounter is checking whether elements are NOT present in a given set. While R doesn’t have a built-in “NOT IN” operator like SQL, we can easily create and use this functionality. This comprehensive guide will show you how to implement and use the “NOT IN” operator effectively in R.

Read on for examples of how to use %in% and its corollary ! (...) %in%.

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Fabric List Connections API in Semantic Link Labs

Sandeep Pawar has an update for us:

In you case you missed it, List Connections Admin API is now live in Fabric. It was shipped in Semantic Link Labs v 0.7.4 a few weeks ago but at the time of the release it was still private. This API returns all the connections set up in the tenant and requires admin privileges. I still can’t find documentation on it so wait for the official details. Note that this API is different from item – list connection API which lists connections used by an item.

Read on to see what you can get from it.

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Bullet Charts in Power BI Reports

Kurt Buhler is number one with a bullet (chart):

A report visual is useful when it displays information in a meaningful context. This context refers to other relevant data that helps someone interpret figures in a visual and use it to make decisions or take actions. The most common way to provide context is to compare actuals to a target.

There are many ways to compare actuals to a target, and in this article, we will explain in detail one way to do this by using a popular variant of the bar chart known as a bullet chart.

Kurt lays out several ways to implement a bullet chart in Power BI, so check that out.

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Column Eviction in Power BI and Direct Lake

Paul Turley talks about fashion:

One of the core best practice guidance principals for Power BI modeling is to avoid including columns that aren’t absolutely necessary for analytic reporting. Every column uses precious memory and especially long, unique values that don’t compress very well. When consulting clients bring me large models that require expensive capacity licensing and pose report performance issues, my first inclination is to see what column data can be carved out of the model; and perhaps moved to another table for a drill-through report.

The product team came up with a very clever way to reduce the in-memory footprint of a Direct Lake semantic model: hold a popularity contest! The semantic model engine will only keep columns in memory based on their hotness. I mean this literally…

Read on to learn a bit more about the algorithm in play and how it differs from a naive Least Recently Used cache.

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Showing SSRS Reports in Modern .NET Apps

Sebastiao Pereira solves a problem:

Report Viewer was originally developed for the .NET Framework. As the industry shifts towards .NET Core, developers who have traditionally relied on this tool have faced challenges displaying reports within their applications due to compatibility issues. Is it possible to display a report from SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in a .Net Core Application?

Click through for the answer. As a quick note, we had .NET Core, but then Microsoft renamed it to .NET with .NET 6, so instead we have to differentiate .NET Framework (Windows-only, heavy SDK) with .NET (nee .NET Core, cross-platform, less heavy). I’d rate Sebastiao’s solution a workaround, but one that I doubt Microsoft will ever provide a better solution for, given the heavy de-emphasis on Reporting Services over the past several years.

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