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Testing Kafka Messages with RecordCaptor

Anton Belyaev shows off an open-source utility:

Let’s take a Telegram bot that forwards requests to the OpenAI API and returns the result to the user as an example. If the request to OpenAI violates the system’s security rules, the client will be notified. Additionally, a message will be sent to Kafka for the behavioral control system so that the manager can contact the user, explain that their request was too sensitive even for our bot, and ask them to review their preferences.

The interaction contracts with services are described in a simplified manner to emphasize the core logic. Below is a sequence diagram demonstrating the application’s architecture. I understand that the design may raise questions from a system architecture perspective, but please approach it with understanding — the main goal here is to demonstrate the approach to writing tests.

Read on to see how it all works, as well as links to Anton’s GitHub repo for testing in Kafka.

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