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Choosing between Data Types

Ben Johnston shares some advice:

An entire post on choosing the correct data types either seems like overkill or much needed and overdue. The perspective might vary based on the databases you’ve worked with recently. I decided to write this after seeing some code with data type decisions that I would classify as questionable. There are many decisions in technology that can be ambiguous, but the correct date type should be based on business rules and a set of technical guidelines. I am going to share my thought process for deciphering the correct type here.

Selecting a data type is an important part of database and table design. The column represents an actual business attribute, is used to support data integrity, or is used for performance considerations. Care should be used when selecting the definition for each column. Choosing the wrong type can impact each of these areas, makes the system difficult to work with, and makes integrations harder than necessary.

Read on for Ben’s selection criteria and further thoughts. Most of it I find quite sensible.

I do, however, strongly disagree on part of Ben’s Unicode character strings recommendation, as I am an NVARCHAR Everywhere kind of guy. My counter-recommendation is always to use NVARCHAR over VARCHAR (I tend to be a bit more flexible about NCHAR vs CHAR, as those are typically for flags versus user-relevant data), and use row-level or page-level compression on indexes wherever it makes sense. If you don’t have any characters outside of your codepage in any row of that data, the size will be the same as with VARCHAR. If you do have the need for special characters, you don’t need to rebuild everything from scratch as part of a half-year (or longer) internationalization program. And if you’re consistent about always using NVARCHAR, you also eliminate implicit conversion risk.

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