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Day: August 28, 2024

Tips for Bringing a Streamlit App into Production

I have wrapped up another series:

In this video, I discuss some of the things you should consider as you transition a Streamlit application from development to production. We will cover four methods of bringing a Streamlit app to production and some thoughts on performance optimization.

This one doesn’t have much in the way of demos, but I do spend a lot of time at the virtual whiteboard, so it’s got that going for it.

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Enumerating Causes of Dirty and Incomplete Data

Joe Celko builds a list and checks it twice:

Many years ago, my wife and I wrote an article for Datamation, a major trade publication at the time, under the title, “Don’t Warehouse Dirty Data!” It’s been referenced quite a few times over the decades but is nowhere to be found using Google these days. The point is, if you have written a report using data, you have no doubt felt the pain of dirty data and it is nothing new.

However, what we never got around to defining was exactly how data gets dirty. Let’s look at some of the ways data get messed up.

I am very slowly working up the nerve to build a longer talk (and YouTube series) on data engineering, and part of that involves understanding why our data tends to be such a mess. Joe has several examples and stories, and I’m sure we could come up with dozens of other reasons.

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Eliminating Unexpected Whitespace or Null Characters in Columns

Kevin Wilkie has fun with an unexpected character:

The query ran just fine so I happily completed my work for the day. I sent it to my QA team and had them check it out before pushing it to Production. They sent it back with a note saying “We expect a lot more “Insert Garbage Data Here” to show.

Being a good data developer – or someone who just wants to show QA up (take your pick) – decided to dig deep into what FieldName really shows. I found a lot of the following:

In Kevin’s case, he tried to use TRIM() and it didn’t fix anything. That’s because TRIM(), by default, only removes the space character (up to the first non-space character), not all whitespace and not the null character CHAR(0) that Kevin found.

An alternative version of TRIM() that would have worked in this case, plus adding in tabstops as well, would be:

    TRIM(' '+char(0)+char(9) FROM FieldName) AS TrimmedFieldName
FROM dbo.SomeTable;

And you could also extend that to include newlines, line feeds, vertical tabs, the line separator character, and whatever else you need.

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Loading Scanner API JSON Data from Fabric into Power BI Desktop

Gilbert Quevauvilliers hunts for some output files:

How to get data from a Fabric Lakehouse File into Power BI Desktop – Using Scanner API JSON

In this blog post I am going to show you how I connected to my Scanner API JSON file which is stored in the files section of my Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse.

Full credit on how to complete this comes from Marc’s blog post

Click through for the instructions.

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Finding Azure Region Pairs via Powershell

Mike Robbins is looking for a match:

In this article, you learn how to add a custom property to the Azure PowerShell Get-AzLocation cmdlet output to display the physical location for paired regions in Azure. This information isn’t available by default but can help you understand the resiliency and redundancy of your Azure resources like geo-redundant storage (GRS) and other Azure services that rely on Azure Storage for replication.

Read on to see how to do this.

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Searching for Wildcard Characters in LIKE

Andy Brownsword is looking for a discount:

Performing a wildcard search by throwing a % into a LIKE expression is bread and butter. How do we handle this when we actually want to search for the wildcard though?

This was an issue I first saw early in my career before I was even building database solutions. The business had a back office solution where you could search through offers on the UI. Unfortunately it threw up some strange results.

Searching for ‘30%’ offers would return more than expected.

Read on for an example of the problem, as well as how you can resolve it.

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