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Storing Images in Kusto and Visualizing in Power BI or Data Explorer

Hauke Mallow shares what is probably a bad idea:

Kusto is a fast and scalable database designed to ingest, store, and analyze large volumes of structured and semi-structured data. For non-structured data like images, Azure Storage is typically the best choice. Databases can reference image data on storage via a URL, meaning images are not directly stored in Kusto. However, there are scenarios where storing image data in Kusto is beneficial. In this blog post, we will explore when it makes sense to store images in Kusto, how to store them, and how to visualize this data using Azure Data Explorer dashboards or Power BI.

I suppose the main benefit would be displaying images in Azure Data Explorer, as that tool might not support loading in external images from a storage account or other sane location. But this feels more like a neat parlor trick than something I’d actively recommend.