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Day: August 7, 2024

Chat with Your Own Data in Streamlit and Azure Open AI

I have a new video:

In this video, I show how we can make a GPT-4 deployment aware of our own custom data, without needing to fine-tune the model. I talk about meta prompts and the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern, and then show how you can set this up using Azure AI Search and Azure OpenAI. Then, I bring it back to Streamlit and give users the option between chatting with a generic GPT-4 deployment and chatting over custom data.

I try to make my videos 10 minutes in length. They usually end up at 15-18 minutes. This one clocks in at more than 30 minutes and there’s very little fluff.

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Tips for Hyperparameter Tuning

Bala Priya C shares some tips and techniques:

If you’re familiar with machine learning, you know that the training process allows the model to learn the optimal values for the parameters—or model coefficients—that characterize it. But machine learning models also have a set of hyperparameters whose values you should specify when training the model. So how do you find the optimal values for these hyperparameters?

You can use hyperparameter tuning to find the best values for the hyperparameters. By systematically adjusting hyperparameters, you can optimize your models to achieve the best possible results.

This tutorial provides practical tips for effective hyperparameter tuning—starting from building a baseline model to using advanced techniques like Bayesian optimization. Whether you’re new to hyperparameter tuning or looking to refine your approach, these tips will help you build better machine learning models. Let’s get started.

Read on for those techniques. Incidentally, one of my “Old man yells at clouds” takes is that I dislike the existence of hyperparameters and consider them a modeling failure, essentially telling the implementer to do part of the researcher’s work. Knowing that they are necessary to work with for so many algorithms, there’s nothing to do but learn how to work with them effectively, but there’s a feel of outsourcing the hard work to users that I don’t like about the process. For that reason, I have extra respect for algorithms that neither need nor offer hyperparameters.

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Managed Private Endpoints and Trusted Workspace Access for All

Wolfgang Strasser is very pleased with a recent announcement:

In times of data breaches and millions of customer entries breached, the security of your data platform is one of the things you need to consider upfront and – preferably in all your data solutions.

When Microsoft Fabric was announced the concepts of connecting to other parts of your already secured data platform in Azure was not possible. The options to (securely) connect Fabric to other parts of your Azure platform were not available initially.

Read on to learn more about Managed Private Endpoints and Trusted Workspace Access, the initial problem with them both, and how Microsoft has definitely improved things recently.

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Filesystem Access for Database Restoration via dbatools

Andy Levy shares a lesson learned:

While performing an instance migration this spring, I happened upon something I didn’t expect in [dbatools]( It should have been a simple backup/restore copy of the databases, with the backup files residing on a fileshare on the destination server after being copied there. I kept getting a warning that the backup files I was attempting to restore couldn’t be read, and the restores (via Restore-DbaDatabase) wouldn’t execute.

I checked permissions on the server over and over again. Both on the filesystem and for the share that I was attempting to read from. Even more curious, if I executed the restore database statements directly from within Management Studio, the databases restored without issue.

After doing quite a bit of digging, I managed to find the reason.

Read on to learn more about necessary permissions, as well as the issue Andy hit, as well as the solution.

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Reading a Lakehouse Table from another Microsoft Fabric Workspace

Gilbert Quevauvilliers spans the gap:

I was doing some work recently for a customer and they had data stored in different Lakehouse’s which was in a different App Workspace.

I was pleasantly surprised that this can be quite easy to do.

In my example below I am going to show you how in my notebook I can read a table in a Lakehouse table when it is not attached to any Lakehouse.

It’s good that this is so easy to do, considering that current advice leans toward having multiple workspaces and not cramming everything into one.

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