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SSMS Layout and Tips

Tom Zika talks about SQL Server Management Studio:

I’d like to pin my Object Explorer and Registered Servers to the right and set them to auto-hide for these reasons:

  • I spend most of my time in the Query window and I like that it’s left-aligned
  • I have to resize the Object Explorer based on the level of nesting or length of the object name, sql jobs, etc
  • The Solution Explorer in Visual Studio is also on the right side

Read on for quite a few tips. Tom has a good tip regarding tabs and I’d bring up a separate tool for consideration: Tabs Studio. I paid for a license of it out of my own pocket when I was a database engineer and absolutely loved the control it gave me over displaying SSMS tabs, including having literally dozens of them on the screen at once.

One Comment

  1. Tomáš Zíka
    Tomáš Zíka 2024-08-06

    Thank you, Kevin. I’ve added the recommendation as a comment on my blog.

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