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Day: August 1, 2024

Chat with Azure OpenAI in Streamlit

I have a new video:

In this video, I show how we can integrate an Azure OpenAI GPT-4 model into our Streamlit dashboard. Along the way, I also show off how easy it is to create multiple pages and talk a bit about session state and secrets management as well.

The fun part about this is, there’s not even that much code involved. Streamlit handles most of the conversational aspects and you’re primarily responsible for saving history.

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Building a Series of T-SQL Statements via Regular Expression

Andy Levy now has two problems:

Earlier this year, I embarked on a bit of a project to tidy up the indexes in a sizeable database. This database has over 900 tables, and there are quite a few indexes which I have long suspected don’t need to exist for a variety of reasons. Some indexes are redundant, others don’t get used, still others could be combined into a single index. By reducing the number of indexes, we can improve write performance in the database, and the size of the database itself. But we have to do it carefully.

Read on for an example of how you can use a regular expression to take text in one form (DatabaseName.SchemaName.IndexName, for example) and convert it into a T-SQL script.

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Ad Hoc Data Exploration with Azure Data Explorer

Michal Bar introduces a new feature:

We are excited to introduce the new Data Exploration feature, designed to enhance your ability to delve deeper into the data presented on any Dashboard.

If the information you’re seeking isn’t readily available on the dashboard, this feature allows you to extend your exploration beyond the data displayed in the tiles, potentially uncovering new insights.

Directly from a dashboard, you can refine your exploration using a user-friendly, form-like interface. This intuitive and dynamic experience is tailored for insights explorers seeking insights based on high volumes of data in near real time.

Click through to see the new feature in action.

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The Performance Impact of Local Variables

Jared Westover talks performance:

Often, developers use local variables when writing ad hoc queries or stored procedures for many reasons. You might hear “never repeat code” or “avoid using magic numbers.” While writing a lengthy stored procedure, I might include a few. However, did you know that local variables can hurt the performance of your queries? How can you keep local variables from negatively affecting performance? Keep reading to find those answers and more.

This is the kind of performance issue that you can easily forget about. Jared includes two methods for resolving the issue if you run into performance problems on a specific query or stored procedure.

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Tracking Task History in Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie is interested in just one thing:

By the table function name, you’re probably wondering “Sherpa, why on Earth do I really need to look at query history based on the session? I have Query_History_By_User which gives me a broader look at my data. Who really cares?”

Great question, my friend! You’re right. This new Query_History_By_Session table function isn’t going to give you a lot of data that you can’t get easier – and more helpfully – with Query_History_By_User. Why did Snowflake provide me this “useless” function?

Read on for the value of this function and an example of querying task history.

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A Review of Useful pg_stat_statements

Umair Shahid tracks some statements:

pg_stat_statements is an extension for PostgreSQL that tracks execution statistics of SQL statements. It is designed to provide insight into the performance characteristics of database queries by collecting data on various metrics such as execution time, number of calls, and I/O operations. This extension is immensely useful for database administrators and developers looking to optimize their SQL queries and improve overall database performance.

Click through to learn more about pg_stat_statements, including how to install and configure it, as well as some of the things you can do with it.

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Adding tSQLt to a Database Project

Olivier Van Steenlandt provides an overview of adding tSQLt to a Visual Studio database project:

As a first step in the process, we’re going to create a new Database Project, in my case, I will be calling my Database Project AdventureWorksDW_UnitTesting and my solution AdventureWorks.

If you are not sure how to set up a Database Project in Visual Studio from scratch, don’t worry, you can follow the step-by-step data recipe I released a while ago, Getting Started with Database Projects and Version Control

Read on to learn more about how to add the tSQLt objects and eliminate cross-database reference issues.

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