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Day: June 25, 2024

An Introduction to the Package

Steven Sanderson explains the purpose of a package:

The ultimate goal really is to make it easier to do data analysis and machine learning in R. The package is designed to be easy to use and to provide a wide range of functionality for data analysis. The package is also meant to help and provide some easy boilerplate functionality for machine learning. This package is in its early stages and will be updated frequently.

It also keeps with the same framework of all of the healthyverse packages in that it is meant for the user to be able to use the package without having to know a lot of R. Many rural hospitals do not have the resources to perform this sort of work, so I am working hard to build these types of things out for them for free.

Read on to see how it works, including several examples of the package in action.

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Execution Plans for Keyset Cursors

Hugo Kornelis talks about a cursor I’d never heard of before:

Welcome to plansplaining, part 32, where we once more look at cursors. We already discussed the basics, and looked at static cursors and dynamic cursors. It is now time to cast our gaze upon the keyset cursor. The keyset cursor is sort of in between the static cursor (which presents a snapshot of the data is at was when the cursor was opened and disregards future changes) and the dynamic cursor (that always shows the current data). To be precise, a keyset cursor sees changes made to already existing rows, but does not see new rows that were added after the cursor was opened.

Read on to learn more about it.

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Managing the SQL Server Error Log

David Seis doesn’t let the error log get out of hand:

SQL Server offers a robust logging mechanism known as the SQL Server Error Log. This log plays a crucial role in troubleshooting, auditing, and ensuring the smooth operation of your SQL Server instances. You can explore the SQL server error log through SQL Server Management Studio in the management folder. There are various tools in the GUI to make navigation easier, as well as stored procedures to enable faster parsing of the data stored.

Read on for a few tips around log management.

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Power BI Query Memory Limit

Chris Webb continues a series:

Continuing my series on Power BI memory errors (see part 1part 2 and part 3), in this post I’ll look at the query memory limit which controls the amount of memory that an individual query can consume. This is a subject which I’ve talked about in a few blog posts in the past: hitting this limit is one of the reasons you’ll see the “This visual has exceeded the available resources” error which I blogged about here and and here. There’s also some official documentation here which is pretty good.

Read on to learn more about what settings you have available for it and a few more tips.

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A SQL Saturday Survey

Steve Jones works with Steve Rezhener:

Steve Rezhener put together a survey for what topics you’d like to learn about. A few others, including myself, gave him feedback and he’s published this for people to use. It was intended for SQL Saturday organizers and speakers, but it can work well for anyone producing information. I’ve created some shortlinks at SQL Saturday that you can use to take the survey and see the results.

I’m promoting this because when I initially got the e-mail for it, I thought it was spam. With enough responses, this may help organizers focus in on specific topics for events, at least to some extent.

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Explaining Power BI and Fabric Capacity Pricing

Marc Lelijveld breaks out the green eyeshade:

P-SKUs, A-SKUs, EM-SKUs and now we also have F-SKUs… all these different capacities that are out there today each have their own specifics. Lately, I’ve been in a lot of conversations around Fabric capacities. There seems to be some unclarity around what you pay for in the end and how it compares to Power BI Premium capacities. Therefore, I thought, maybe this is the right time to write it down – besides the Microsoft documentation that is already out there.

In this blog I will elaborate on differences in purchasing, billing and buying the capacities. I will not deep dive in capacity metrics or how capacity units are consumed.

There’s a lot of good information in the article, especially if you’re looking to price out Microsoft Fabric in your organization.

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adutil Now Available for RHEL 9 and Ubuntu 22.04

Amit Khandelwal has good news for us:

We’re thrilled to share that adutil, the Active Directory Utility for SQL Server, is now officially supported on RHEL 9 and Ubuntu 22.04. If you’ve been waiting for this, your patience has paid off! Let’s dive into the details.

I had released a video on Active Directory in SQL Server on Linux that included a workaround to get adutil going on Ubuntu 22.04. I’m glad that part of the video is now obsolete.

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