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Day: June 17, 2024

Bringing SQL Server Data into Microsoft Fabric

Nikola Ilic shows us the current options:

Options, options, options…Having the possibility to perform a certain task in multiple different ways is usually a great “problem” to have, although very often not each option is equally effective. And, Microsoft Fabric is all about “options”…You want to ingest the data? No problem, you can use notebooks, pipelines, Dataflows, or T-SQL. Data transformation needed? No worries at all – again, you may leverage notebooks, T-SQL, Dataflows…Data processing, you asked? Lakehouse (Spark), Warehouse (SQL), Real-Time Intelligence (KQL), Power BI…The choice is yours again.

In a nutshell, almost every single task in Microsoft Fabric can be completed in multiple ways, and there is no “right” or “wrong” tool, as long as it gets the job done (of course, as efficiently as possible).

Nikola lays out two pre-requisites and then shows us two options we can currently use, and three potential options we currently cannot use.

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Low-Downtime Migration Techniques from SQL Server 2017 to 2022

Yohei Kawajiri describes three techniques for performing a SQL Server migration:

It is possible to configure a SQL Server Always On availability group with a primary replica running on SQL Server 2017 and a secondary replica running on SQL Server 2022, but there are important considerations and limitations to keep in mind: 

  1.  Backward Compatibility: SQL Server supports having replicas on different versions, but the primary replica must be on an older version than or equal to the secondary replicas. Therefore, having SQL Server 2017 as the primary and SQL Server 2022 as the secondary is valid. 
  2.  Database Upgrade Path: When you decide to upgrade the primary replica to a newer version, you need to follow a specific upgrade path to ensure minimal downtime and data integrity. 

Building an availability group? Yeah, makes a lot of sense. Performing log shipping? Sure, I could see that working. Database mirroring? I did not expect to read that one, mostly because it’s been deprecated for a decade.

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Task Scheduling in PostgreSQL with pg_cron and pg_timetable

Radim Marek compares two extensions:

Working with PostgreSQL, and virtually any database system, extends far beyond merely inserting and retrieving data. Many application and business processes, maintenance tasks, reporting, and orchestration tasks require the integration of a job scheduler. While third-party tools can drive automation, you can also automate the execution of predefined tasks directly within the database environment. Although system-level cron might be a starting point, the power of the database system lies in its ability to store all the necessary information alongside your data/schema. In this article, we will explore pg_cron and pg_timetable as two distinct PostgreSQL-specific tools for scheduled task automation.

Read on to learn more about each.

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Windows Local Admins and sysadmin in SQL Server

Jeff Iannucci continues a series on security:

If you have been reading along with our series of “30 SQL Server Security Checks in 30 days” posts, you’ve probably noticed a theme for a lot of these posts, where we recommend reviewing which principals have CONTROL SERVER permissions or are in the sysadmin role.

Full disclosure: I hope you aren’t tired of that yet, because there will be more of those posts.

However, today I wanted to turn your attention towards what might be considered potential shadow members of the sysadmin role. These are the members of the server’s local Windows Administrators group.

Read on for Jeff’s explanation.

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Querying Deadlocks in Azure SQL DB

Josephine Bush wants to find the deadlocks:

A couple of weeks ago, a developer came to me and wanted to know how to figure out what was causing a deadlock. I honestly didn’t know where to look or if this was even being captured in Azure SQL DB already. It turns out that Microsoft has you covered with deadlock tracking. At least for a period of time. It looks like you can go back about a month, maybe.

Read on to see how you can find this information in Azure SQL DB. If you’re working in on-prem SQL Server and you don’t have any tooling set up, you can find some deadlocks in the system health extended event.

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Blocking from Async Stats Updates

Tom Zika diagnoses an issue:

I recently encountered an issue where an index rebuild set to wait_at_low_priority ended up blocking an asynchronous statistics update. This interaction led to a large blocking chain where queries were waiting on the async stats update and started to timeout.

Read on for an explanation of all of the players involved, then a demo, and finally two solutions.

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