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System Views and Distributed Processing in Microsoft Fabric

Koen Verbeeck runs into an annoying error:

I have a metadata-driven ELT framework that heavily relies on dynamic SQL to generate SQL statements that load data from views into a respective fact or dimension. Such a task is well suited for generation, since the pattern to load a type 1 SCD, type 2 SCD or a fact table is always the same.

To read the metadata of the views, I use a couple of systems views, such as sys.views and sys.sql_modules. At some point, I join this metadata (containing info about the various columns and their data types) against metadata of my own (for example, what is the business key of this dimension). This all works fine in Azure SQL DB or SQL Server, but in my Fabric warehouse I was greeted with the following error:

The query references an object that is not supported in distributed processing mode.

Read on to learn more about why you get this error and one workaround for it.