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B-Tree and Hash Indexes in Postgres

Paul Randal takes us through indexing in Postgres:

This article explores the PostgreSQL implementation of the B-Tree (the B stands for Balanced) and hash index data structures. As PostgreSQL grows in popularity as an open-source database system for developers and as a target for migrating from Oracle workloads, understanding how PostgreSQL indexes work is extremely important for database developers and administrators. PostgreSQL has several other types of indexes, such as GIN indexes, GiST indexes, and BRIN indexes. I will omit them for this article as they’re somewhat specialty indexes suited for text-based searches, geography, and other complex data types. And while B-Tree index usage makes up roughly 90% of use cases, hash indexes and their concepts are also important to understand.

Understanding and implementing the correct indexes for the workload is the foundation of any well-running relational database system. Adding and adjusting indexes to suit the workload has yielded some of the most significant performance gains over my many years of consulting. However, to add the right indexes, you must first understand them.

Read on to learn more. Even if you live in SQL Server, this is a really good article to read because the types of indexes available can differ radically between platforms and that naturally affects indexing strategy.