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Power BI Datamarts

Reza Rad has a four-parter on datamarts in Power BI. First up is the simple question:

One of the newest additions to the Power BI components is the Datamart. Power BI Datamart is more than just another feature, it is a major milestone where the development of Power BI solutions will be revolutionized based on that. This is a feature that helps both citizen data analysts and developers. In this article and video, I’ll explain what is a Power BI datamart, how it helps you in your Power BI implementation, and why you should use it?

Next up, how do you create one?

In the previous article, you learned what is a Datamart and the use cases of that in a Power BI implementation. In this article and video, you will have your first experience with Datamarts and learn through an example about what it is and how it works in detail. The interesting thing in all the steps below is that you just need a web browser to build the datamart.

Thirdly, we have datamart components:

What is a Power BI Datamart underneath? Can you connect to the database generated by Power BI Datamart? how the Dataset associated with the Datamart can be used? Is there a linage view? In this article and video, I’ll explain These and you will learn about the components of a Power BI Datamart. If you are new to Power BI Datamarts, this article explains what it is and its use cases and this article gets you through the Datamart editor and your first experience with it.

Reza rounds out this series of videos with how datamarts fit into the broader Power BI ecosystem:

Power BI Datamart is integrating well with other components of the Power BI ecosystem (such as workspaces, sharing, deployment pipelines, endorsements, sensitivity labels, etc). In this article and video, I’ll explain how Power BI works with other features and services in Power BI implementation. If you are new to Power BI Datamarts, this article explains what it is and its use cases and this article gets you through the Datamart editor and your first experience with it. You can also learn about the components of the Power BI Datamart from this article.

Click through for four videos hitting the high points.