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Finding Query Timeouts with Query Store

Kendra Little searches for timeouts:

Here are some basics regarding query timeouts for SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance:

– Execution timeouts are NOT set or enforced by the database engine. It is happy to wait for your query to run or for your transaction to be open for hours, days, or years, until you commit, cancel, or get disconnected.

– Timeouts are set by the calling application. If you don’t explicitly set a timeout on your connection string, there is generally a default timeout that is used. Often, this is 30 seconds for query execution timeouts.

– Connection timeouts are different than execution timeouts. If you see a connection timeout, often this is a firewall or network issue preventing you from connecting to the database – or perhaps it’s even offline. Execution timeouts are when the calling application doesn’t want to wait any more for a query to complete.

Kendra shows how to generate an execution timeout and how you can use Query Store to find them. And Kendra’s post got Mark Freeman to write a blog post so that’s also worth something.