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Removing Data from Query Store

Erin Stellato shows us how to do some spring cleaning:

Automatic removal of data from Query Store is based on configuration, notably the MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MBCLEANUP_POLICY (STALE_QUERY_THRESHOLD_DAYS), and SIZE_BASED_CLEANUP_MODE settings.  While these are detailed in another post, it’s worth reiterating that ideally, size-based cleanup never kicks in.  A database’s Query Store should be sized to accommodate N days’ worth of data, where N is set by CLEANUP_POLICY (STALE_QUERY_THRESHOLD_DAYS).  When the size of the Query Store exceeds 90% of MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MB, and if SIZE_BASED_CLEANUP_MODE is set to AUTO, then clean up will kick in.  This algorithm is not efficient, and it runs single-threaded.  It looks for queries that are infrequently executed/less important and deletes those, one by one, until the size is less than 80% of MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MB.  Avoid this type of cleanup if at all possible.

There is a better way. And an even better way thanks to some of my colleagues.