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Transaction Isolation Levels in SQL Server

Dan Jackson walks us through the different transaction isolation levels in SQL Server and what they mean for us:

We will start with a definition and then evolve it: the isolation level specifies how much one transaction must be protected from resource or data modifications made by other transactions.

Consider the case where user A is trying to read a list of products out of a table, meanwhile user B comes along and changes some of the product information in the table. As part of their same transaction, user A comes back to try and read the product table, but it has changed. Do you want user A to read the new information or not?

Isolation levels allow you to decide what would happen in scenarios like the one I’ve just described and so it should come as no surprise that they are described in terms of which concurrency side effects they allow.

Read on for a description of typically-undesirable side effects and the isolation levels which prevent them.